Cmdr Bastion Mercier
Adventurer / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
The Emporium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

Headlong | Personal Log 28.11.3308

29 Nov 2022Bastion Mercier
-//Log Entry Start

Date: 28.NOV.3308
Location: Captain's Quarters - ENS Watchtower - OGAIMY MR-N D6-6698

We've been running ourselves ragged. The crew is tired. I'm tired. The Watchtower is tired. She lets me know with every creak, groan and flickering monitor. She's taken a beating and has expressed her displeasure with several category 1 malfunctions thus far. I don't know how long we can sustain this headlong rush back from the Centre, but we have to try. People are counting on us for support.

It's been two days since we intercepted a deep space burst transmission mentioning the imminent threat dubbed "Taranis" while on our deep research voyage for the Emporium. My crew... I'm proud of them. To a one they agreed that we needed to weigh anchor and head home. It inspires me to keep up this façade of stoicism as we barrel towards who knows what.

I told myself that part of my life was over. I told myself I would never again plunge headlong into violence. That I'd changed...

I thought I had...

I guess if it makes me a liar to saddle up for what could be humanity's last war then so be it.

I'm a liar.

I don't know what the future holds, but I'll be damned if I go quietly...

-//Log Entry End
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