Logbook entry

Kit Fowler unlocked

10 Mar 2022Darth Kalabric
After two months of hard grinding, I finally unlocked Kit Fowler. Fix ED made it even more difficult! I mean, refresh and spawn were not good but some tasks in the game are really painful! I followed the general tip to look for systems with Government Anarchy and Economy Tourism. In addition to that, I looked for settlements with poor defenses to make it easier to kill the workers and download the data from HAB ports. Also, I figured out that small settlements have proportionally more data ports than medium and big ones. Here follows a list of systems/settlements I cataloged: Kaukamine/Mehta Stop +, Wardaliti/Vega Leisure Site, Wardaliti/Jackson´s Sanctuary, and SAO 196806/Povalty Tourism Lodge +. Hope it helps you! My suggestion is to host in any Wardaliti orbital stations and complete missions to collect data/items to upgrade the suit/weapon while you visit those settlements and get the Opinion Pools.
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