Logbook entry

Level up in the exobiologist rank

20 Dec 2023Darth Kalabric
When exploring, one can take advantage to also level up his/her exobiologist rank. Some biological signals, such as the Bacterium and Fonticulua genera, are widespread, especially in the Icy World and Icy bodies. When you scan a body with only one signal, most likely it will be a Bacterium independent of the type of the body (Icy or Rocky). On the other hand, Rocky and High Metal Content Worlds are more likely to support more signals. Some genera live on flat surfaces, such as Tubus and Stratum, while others like Osseus prefer rugged surfaces. Some are found only in valleys and mountains, like Fungoida and Frutexa. There are plenty of new species variants to be discovered. So, do not lose time and discover the amazing universe of life!
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