Logbook entry

Two-headed snake squad

10 Mar 2024Darth Kalabric
After a while, I decided to leave my old and dead squad to form a new one. At this time, I invited a friend to represent the two heads of the snake and other CMDRs to be the squad's jaws, muscles, and guts. The idea is to play together. As all must know, ED can be played solo and in teams. There are many advantages to playing in a team: combat, trade, mine, and now explorer. For now, we are just six CMDRs but we are making the difference. For instance, alone I am top 900 in Inara´s rank. If you look for a Two-headed snake in the exploration leaderboard, we are in the top 300 in-game! So far, so good! Feel invited to join us someday!
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