Logbook entry

Colonia to Sagittarius A* new year's trip stage one

I've finally arrived in the galactic center (sector, not Sagitarrius A*) in the party beluga, after several days of indirectly plotting to the Great Annihilator system by searching for interesting or rare star types close along the route, which took me to a multitude of wolf-rayet, class O stars, a sizeable quantity of Ae/Be stars, and a few black holes. The most significant system I found during the Colonia-to-Great Annihilator stage of my trip was an undiscovered system with a gargantuan, near galactic record(according to edsm.net, the galactic record is approx. 119.5 solar masses) Herbig Ae/Be star, with a solar radius of 0.950459 and a solar mass of 115.591749, along with a 16.410981 solar mass class O star orbiting a 17.446189 solar mass black hole at an approximate distance of 50-70 light seconds(I will disclose the system's name once I sell it tomorrow). I additionally surface mapped nearly every terraformable high metal content world, every water world, ammonia world, and both earth-like worlds I came across. One of my main goals was to discover previously undiscovered systems, so to achieve this I went around 400ly away from Colonia in the direction of the Great Annihilator, and went 600-700ly further up the galactic plane continuing my path towards the Great Annihilator, and the only discovered systems I came across were 2 black holes, a Wolf-Rayet star, and 2 class O stars. On other terms, the outfitting I did for the party beluga proved useful as I sold 4 of my class 6 first class passenger cabins and replaced them with a class 6 auto-field maintenance unit module, a 6A fuel scoop, a class 6 SRV bay, and a class 6 fuel tank. The class 6 fuel tank addition lets me make around 14-15 full range jumps before a 6 min. fuel-scooping session is needed, as to avoid gradual 'thermal build-up', around 550 kg./s of fuel is needed for a total of 192 tons of fuel. The only thing that isn't going well on my trip so far is the beluga's paint quality, which has been irradiated by constant 'flight' in supercruise, but other than that, the trip is going really smooth; I'm going to report on stage two of the trip tomorrow, which covers going to the famous explorer in my passenger cabin's sightseeing waypoint and to the Enthusiastic Christmas Colonia expedition's Sagitarrius A* New Year's event. o7
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