Logbook entry

Out from Elysian Shore

02 Jun 2021Fifico
So finally I made it to get out from the Elysian Shore. It is a wonderful place, full of strange systems and planets yet hard to get in and harder to get out.
Elysian Shore is not for beginners, nor for those with a ship with a jump range under 20ly, like myself. However, if you are crazy enough to go, as I was, the bonus will be awesome, not talking only about the money, but for the trip itself.On my way back I was lost in a sea of T and Y stars, few M reds or other scoopable stars so had to plan my route very carefully. But now I am back to Inner Orin Spur.....still have to plan my route paying attention to the stars my plout route planner is showing me but somehow I feel like "back home". Few more hundred jumps and I will be back to civilization. After I do some engineering and other stuff, I will plan my next adventure. 
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