Manic mining
19 Nov 2020Maxi_madmax
Finally got a decent ship to go mining in and headed out to try my luck at void opals and Low temperature diamonds. Enjoyed scraping the LTD's off the surface, but is there anything better than the sweet sight of an asteroid cracking open in front of you? Still getting the hang of it but one gave up a motherload of 19 void opals in total.
Mustn't get too over confident though, managed to scrape my shields clean a few times and had a few cores where I only got a handful of lumps out.
Nothing beats it though!
Got interdicted on the way back by a gunship, but for once it was good to see security around so quickly.
Barely made it back to the station with a cracked canopy and 50% hull, but sold my cargo for 41 million credits, and ranked up as well, so very happy.
Fly safe commanders.
P.S. Something no one ever did, ever - add void opals to the ignore list.