Logbook entry

Jaques Homebase Day 2

15 Aug 2016MissingSea
I'd heard rumours on my way out here that there was a ongoing mission to try and build a system infrastructure here in Eol Prou RS-T d3-94. After a nights rest I decided to check out the rumour and it looks like it's true. The local powers that be want to establish an outpost as the first stages of supporting Jaques Station, and they've put out orders for Os. Now the DRX Jasmine isn't outfitted for mining, and I didn't fancy retrofitting her due to the limited number of modules available here. If necessary she needs to be able to get me back to the Orion Bubble.

The good news is, that the relief effort allowed the local shipyard to come back online, the selection is limited but the old Type 6 workhorse was available for purchase and I was able to kit one out for mining duties. It's not the best build, but she gets the job done. I'd heard that the inner ring of the closest gas giant was a reasonable source of Osmium and other metals, so off I went.

Now I don't have much experience mining, but I'd equipped myself with a prospector and a collector and enough limpets to keep me going.

The rumours were true, the inner ring system was a miners delight; painite, gold, silver, platinum, palladium and osmium. Though I'd nearly given up finding a high yield Os asteroid and then I can across a 50% yield rock. So with my last couple of collector limpets I went to work. I managed to get a decent 21 tons out of that trip, so I returned home with a full hold.

I decided to tweak the DRX Dynamite, but I still felt the call of the black, so off I went in the Jasmine to map some more of the local nebula. Now as you'd expect, with the influx of commanders over the past few months the number of undiscovered systems was lower, but on my travels I did find a pristine system with a lovely little water world.... I must go back to get some snaps
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