Logbook entry

The month for retrofitting

28 Jun 2021Red G Si
Recently, renovations were completed on our 'new to us' Type 10 class Deep Space Miner/Survey vessel the ESS Koriand'r.  We stripped the interior nearly bare, and upgraded most systems, lighting, room configurations, and more to suit our needs. This was a tremendously expensive and 'scary' undertaking, especially seeing your ship so exposed like that. But the team at the shipyards in Jameson Memorial did a fantastic job.

Now, I'd owned a T10 before, but when an opportunity arose for me to acquire a Corvette class ship, I jumped at the chance and sold it to help with it's purchase. I can admit that it was a short-sighted move. But fortunately this time, my haste has actually worked out thus far. I guess there truly is a first time for everything. This ship is 100% better than the first one now, more comfortable, better equipped, jumps farther, flies faster. The crew is happy with the upgrades and, I'm happy to say that this ship has almost paid for itself already. At least to the crew I can look like I made a 'boss' move and not like a little kid with giant toys. (hopefully)

So, I find myself once again with a T10, and yet again the 'vette and T10's lives are intertwined, as now it is her turn for some love. Now dubbed the ESS Lady Shiva, the backstory on this ship is interesting. It had never flown and the interior was never fully finished prior to my acquisition. 
The story is that apparently some rich fat cat ordered it and was turning it into his 3rd or 4th or 5th personal yacht. It was to have all of the opulence I expect from people with more money than brains. 
But 'something' happened and, he just, 'disappeared'. Some say he was killed, some say the Thargoids got him, some say he crossed Archon Delaine and ran away to hide, I don't know. But I do know that that pobrecito's loss was my gain.
It seems that there were some under-the-table, 'trust me/make this happen & I'll make it worth your while' agreements made, and someone as the dealership at Jameson was going to fry for the failure IF exposed. 
My contact sent up a hail mary and fortunately for them, I didn't mind getting a ship where most of the areas on several decks were unfinished, unusable, and prepped for luxury additions. Heck, I don't need a war machine anyway, I wouldn't mind some style and comfort too while assisting system authorities when we get those defense contracts.

So we've been flying around in an incomplete ship, but, here we are now, and it's finally time to complete this beautiful monster.
Peshwa, our ops & admin--uh, manager, which is a highly under-appropriate title for her, who happens to be from Homeland, had a connection at the shipyard in Stevenson Base in Beta Hydri that was highly enthusiastic about taking on this job. I had planned to have us depart on one shallow-space expedition in the meantime, but I am told the retrofit should be completed in only a few days, so I figured that now is a good time to just chill and remain here. Peshwa gets to visit with her family, and the crew gets some shore leave, not to mention I've never been on Homeland, so I am excited about that. I need to deepen my tan, plus I haven't been on an ELW in a few weeks, so I am about at my space limit.

A log with specific ship details forthcoming.

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