Logbook entry

There & Back Again to Sag A*: Day 0

24 Jul 2016Qynn Qyksilver
There & Back Again to Sag A*

Entry 0: Preparation

I've prepped the Asp Explorer I'd previously named Mercury (after the swift Roman god who represented--among other things--commerce). Cargo racks have been replaced with fuel tanks (including one huge class 6 tank) and a class 5 fuel scoop. Some of my core modules, that were formerly class A have been downgraded to D for the drop in ship mass and therefore extra jump distance.

I've popped the old Surface Scanner module back in, as well. After all, if I'm exploring and I find something new I may as well give it a good going-over in the name of SCIENCE!

Also, I've added an Auto Field-Maintenance Unit. If I get careless in the vast dark or modules start wearing out, it will be good to be able to affect some repairs...

Even my tried and true grouping Utility Modules of a pair of heat sinks, a chaff launcher, and some point defense against missile-happy NPCs has been stripped out in favor of four heat sinks.  I suspect being careless while fuel scooping and frying myself will be a greater danger on the long journey than getting chased.

FINALLY, time to change the ship's name... it's no longer a speedy god of commerce.

It's a Grey Wanderer...

And Mithrandir stands ready to begin this pilgrimage.
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︎4 Shiny!
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