Logbook entry

There & Back Again to Sag A*: Day 01

24 Jul 2016Qynn Qyksilver
There & Back Again to Sag A*

Entry 1: Setting Out

With Mithrandir docked at Jacobi Hub in the Basuki An system, I began to plot a course.

That's no easy task, I soon learned. You can't just plug in Sagittarius A and let the Nav computer do the rest. The very notion blows its silicon mind.

So, it's a journey in phases. Essentially, head toward the center. Pick a star... and, well... Heading?


So, it's COL-359 Sector PP-W B32-2.

Yes, the very name drips with mystery and romance--I can barely contain myself. Or at least contain the sarcasm.

Onward, Grey Wanderer...

40 jumps to start the long Trek (yes, I went there. So, sue me. Wait, no. Please don't sue me.).

...Scanned a few stars along the way with the surface scanner while scooping, but did not all of them. Nor did I explore every single system to its fullest (aside from the Advanced Discovery Scanner, of course). It's a long journey, and I'm excited to move on my way.

So 40 jumps went by quite swiftly, and I decided to press on. Another 42, this time to BLU THUA SF-N C7-9... Maybe I'll go for 100 jumps, and call it a night?

...100 Jumps it was. 2375.63 LY from Basuki An, stopping for now at Blu Thua CX-K D8-12 (ahh, those lovely system names. Just roll of your tongue, don't they? To be fair, when there's billions of 'em, they must start running low on the cool names... Took some time to roam and scan some planets before I headed to my bunk.

And so the Grey Wanderer rests for the night... And so does the Qyksilver pilgrim flying it.
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︎1 Shiny!
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