Logbook entry

Stars Above

27 Nov 2020Eris
Pilot's log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Nyx.
27 Nov 3306 - 00:14


Today was pretty relaxed as far as things go. Packie and I decided we'd head back to the bubble from up here, a few thousand odd lightyears above the galactic plane. We reasoned that it would be quicker due to the abundance of neutron stars out here, and that we'd find some pretty interesting stuff. We were kinda right. Our travels took us by a bunch of black holes, white dwarfs, Wolf-Rayets, giants, supergiants, etc. We even found a Class S and a Class CN carbon star. It was pretty neat.

We came across this nebula too. Nothing special, just your average purple dust cloud, but still... It was pretty. Honestly everything is pretty up here, the view of the galaxy is amazing... and looking out into the deep black of intergalactic space... It's mesmerising.

This expedition Packie has taken me on has shown me space that's so full of stars that it's hard to feel like it's empty, and now it's shown me space that's so empty it makes you feel... small. That gap, that void, of intergalactic space... it's immense. Humanity has overcome a lot in the past 13 centuries, but I doubt we'll ever overcome that...

Anyway, Packie's put me in charge of plotting the voyage back to the bubble, so I better get looking at those charts.

Nos da.
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