Logbook entry

All Quiet Out Here

28 Nov 2020Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Nyx
28 Nov 3306 - 00:24


Today was pretty uneventful if I'm honest. Packie and I are now about halfway back to the bubble from Colonia, following our route of going over the top of the galactic plane since most people follow the neutron superhighway underneath the galaxy. We discovered a few earthlikes, water worlds, and an absolutely massive ammonia world - the thing was the size of a small gas giant. Nothing too special at this point. I reckon we're going to get quite a bit of money just for this stretch back to the bubble - maybe a hundred million or so, which is pretty neat.

According to GalNet things seem to be kicking off again in the bubble with this NMLA shit, and the more jingoistic aspects of the Federation and the Empire rattling their sabres. The way I see it, a potential war may turn out great for certain people in both the Federation and the Empire if they play their cards right. Zachary Hudson may be able to sweep his involvement in the death of Jasmina Halsey under the rug, Denton Patreus may be able to stylise himself as a war hero to boost his reputation, and the Duvals may be able to argue that Marlinists pose a security risk to the Empire due to their democratic ideology and use this to exterminate the NMLA. But I doubt everything will go that well. Never does. The wrong people will die and entire plans will unravel.

Of course, for those like me there's no such thing as "the wrong people". After all, it's people like me that makes them die. There's probably going to be a lot of work waiting for me when I get back.

I reckon I should enjoy this quiet while I can, just sit and look at the view with a drink or two...

Sounds good.
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