Logbook entry

Back to work

28 Nov 2020Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Persephone
28 Nov 3306 - 23:45

Well, I was right about there being a bunch of work waiting for me in Ugrivirii. After all, someone will always want someone else dead.

So... from the top. Travelling above the galactic plane got Packie and I within 5000ly of the bubble incredibly fast. When we reached the Traikaae nebula, and Packie had the idea that we should race back to Exioce as fast as possible, since all the systems between where we were and Exioce were most likely already discovered. I agreed, since it wasn't a terrible idea, and would make the last 5000ly a little more fun. Since the Kepler has a longer jump range than the Nyx, Packie gave me a little headstart, but it wasn't long before he caught up with me in a neutron system. Honestly I was expecting him to win, but when I arrived at Fort Lawrence he wasn't there yet, and showed up about 10 minutes later. His excuse was that he got hungry and made something to eat about halfway, which is understandable honestly.

Anyways, the exploration data was good - a little less than 100 million credits - so lets hope the data about that anomaly makes it to the right people I suppose.

After cashing in the data and saying thanks to Packie for taking me on the trip I headed off to Jeffries Port. Flight control welcomed me back, which was nice, and after I landed I went to see if I could get any jobs. There were plenty of jobs. While I was gone it looks like the Imperial Inquisition set up a chapterhouse in Ugrivirii, the Kurians Purple Syndicate has gone mostly unopposed and were wreaking havoc in the area, some terrorist leaders had been identified and a few... characters... needed me to do some 'Spec Ops' work. What a way to be welcomed back, ha!

It didn't take long to locate the terrorists or the pirates. Easy kills, the lot of them, even with the admittedly impressively armed goons they sent after me. Earned me quite a bit they did, both from the contracts and the bounties, and I managed to salvage a ton of valuable components from the wreckage. I reckon they thought I'd be gone longer than I was, so they let their guard down - they would've been more careful if they had known I was back, after all I'm a big reason why their Syndicate doesn't control Kurians already.

I just... I don't like that the Inquisition is setting up shop in Ugrivirii. I've had a nice thing going here for years, and I don't want them meddling in it... I'll think on it some more.

For now though, I'm going to chill in the bar for a bit. Have a few drinks, maybe play a few rounds of Liars, the usual.

See ya!
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