Logbook entry

Wandering Once More

06 Dec 2020Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Hephaestus.
6 Dec 3306 - 00:27

Well, I guess it finally happened, I've decided to leave Ugrivirii.

There's a few reasons why I suppose. It's not like there was an absence of work for me, there was loads actually. Paid well too. What wasn't so good was the ever increasing influence of the Inquisition, and the increasing security in the region. Not my kind of situation really. When I first arrived in Ugrivirii it was a backwater industrial system that no one cared about, with the surrounding area (about 15lys or so) having little in way of law enforcement - especially Kurians. But now the security is getting higher - Kurians hasn't been an anarchy system for years, and I'll admit that it is partly my fault. Consequences I suppose.

There's also that I guess I just need a change of scenery. I don't want to get too comfortable somewhere, not again, and I felt like Ugrivirii was well... home. That feeling of home made me want to leave... I just can't talk about why... not yet anyway.

I guess it's fitting. I killed enough people that a new authority managed to fill the gaps I had made. Sure, the Inquisition had jobs for me - The Inquisition speaks about rooting out injustice and corruption, but doing that in these times sometimes requires quietly silencing someone permanently, even if it is hypcritical. But I don't like that, or buy into that talk. The Empire was built on injustice and corruption - Marlin Duval was murdered after all. In reality Emperor Arissa and her Inquisition won't rid the Empire of corruption, they'll just pave the way for new corruption, new syndicates, new injustices. There will always be an underworld, and making the jobs of smugglers, assassins and pirates harder doesn't get rid of us, it just makes us operate quieter and makes our pay cheques larger.

Packie and I have decided to find somewhere new to set up shop in, and at the moment we're on the exact opposite side of the bubble, in a place called Kelie. It's Kumo Crew territory, so work won't be scarce, I just need to build up a reputation I guess. We'll still visit Ugrivirii from time to time, but it's mostly behind us now.

Aylin decided to come too. I asked her if she wanted to stay in Ugrivirii - there's plenty of people who'd hire a pilot with her credentials in a heartbeat back in Jefferies Port. She said she'd travel with me though; she doesn't exactly need money thanks to me, and she enjoys flying with me. Honestly... I'm glad. You don't make many actual friends in my line of work...

Anyways, I'm going to explore the bar here.
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