Logbook entry


05 Apr 2021Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Persephone.
5 Apr 3307 - 02:15

Well... It's been a few months since I made one of these, but then I haven't really been on my ship for most of those - so they wouldn't really be pilot's logs then would they?

Not much to say about the past few months. Aylin and I decided to take a well earned holiday, and well Kelie is a tourism hub. So we hopped on a cruise around the bubble and spent a few weeks at various different resorts on different worlds. We even spent a week in Achenar, drifting between Capitol, Conversion and New World - gods the wine was gorgeous...

It was nice spending time with Aylin that didn't mainly consist of ... 'work'. She's a lovely person and so bloody smart; she can speak 6 languages, mostly old Earth languages, including Arabic and Spanish (did you know Achenar's name derive's from an Arabic phrase?). Apparently while I'm off exploring after particularly hot jobs, she's studying something new - languages, history, science, whatever. She said her family weren't that wealthy when she was younger and she never went to university because her parents could only afford to send her older sibling to university (they studied physics and now work for Canonn Deep Space Research over in Colonia apparently) while Aylin and her younger brother had to make do, so Aylin uses the money she's earned flying with me to take various qualification courses, and she even put her nephew and nieces through university. I doubt she's told them where the money's from though...

I don't blame her, I mean the jobs we found waiting for us when we got back to work this week were all bloodsoaked. Even the more lawful factions had legally non-existent jobs specifically tagged for us. Then there's the Society of Kelie. They had me take out quite a few people for them. The targets were a mixed bag really - a few of them were despicable, but they weren't targeted because they were horrible people, they were targeted because my employers considered them an obstacle. Paid pretty well though, and today they hired me to ship them 108 units of Personal Weapons, 36 units of Reactive Armour and 102 units of Landmines. Technically the Landmines were illegal in Kelie, but literally moments after I brought them this shipment they went to war with Kelie Silver Major Industries so I'm pretty sure that's the last thing on everyone in the system's mind right now.

The Society of Kelie has offered us a lot of contracts to help them in this war too. They do pay well, and I can't say I'm a fan of KSM Industries, so I think I'll take them up on the job. Maybe I'll finally reach Dangerous rank! Ha!

Anyway, I've got to meet Aylin and some guy she wants me to meet at a restaurant in about 40 mins, so...
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︎3 Shiny!
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