Logbook entry


06 Apr 2021Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Persephone.
6 Apr 3307 - 03:11

Today was a fun day. I took the Society of Kelie up on their offer and started supporting them in their war against KSM Industries, and boy was that the right choice. I made somewhere around 8 million today. Not bad for what... two combat sorties? I couldn't have even racked up that many kills, maybe about 20-30? I guess everything is paying better nowadays. Aylin went and got herself to Deadly rank too, while I'm still sitting here at Master rank. I swear SLF pilots rank up so much faster. All in all it was a short working day though, only a few hours of combat, according to my contact with the Society of Kelie my two sorties made a world of difference to their war effort already because of the two KSM Spec Ops units I took down - if those were Spec Ops, KSM really needs to hire better pilots, or at least get some better ships. There was a damn ASP Scout in the conflict zone! Who even flies those?!

In other news, that guy Aylin introduced me to yesterday was one of her old Federal Navy wingmates who is in the system. They were in the same Condor squadron apparently, and they both left around the same time. Well, now he's managed to get himself a job as one of Black Widow's System Security wing commanders and while Aylin and I were on holiday he got transfered right here in Savery Ring. He seemed like a decent guy, and he knew Aylin was in the system because he got a glance at the security file Black Widow has on me and it mentioned her as my pilot. He joked that he won't ever try to stop me because my file "basically didn't exist" because of how much is redacted, and what isn't redacted is just an "endless list" of me handing in bounties and reporting kills.

I hope he does stay out the way, because I don't want to know how Aylin would react to me killing him. I doubt she'd enjoy seeing her old Squadmate get annihilated.

Speaking of annihilated, I'm off to the bar so see ya!
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