Logbook entry


08 Apr 2021Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Persephone.
8 Apr 3307 - 02:30

Today was a busy day. 6 Sorties, 82 kills, 2 Spec Ops, 2 Captains, 4 complete contracts, a rank up to Dangerous, and two tired pilots. All in all, a successful and profitable day. Well for Aylin, myself and the Society of Kelie anyway, the same can't be said for KSM Industries. I think they're going to need to hire more mercs. They're definitely going to lose this conflict though, so I reckon they should cut their losses here and concede defeat. Hell I saw a Black Widow fleet carrier arrive in system, so this conflict has definitely caught their attention, and I feel they're more likely to side with the Society of Kelie than KSM.

I did the maths, and I averaged 15.4 kills per sortie today, if you exclude today's sortie 5 because it's very much an outlier. Additionally I averaged 2.14 Million credits per sortie, giving me a credit-per-kill average of 140,000cr. Not the best pay in the world but, pretty damn good. This is after paying Aylin her 13% cut of course.

Meanwhile in the rest of the Galaxy the Federation has unsurprisingly responded to the NMLA with a massive over-reaction and frankly authoritarian move. Gods am I glad I decided to head over to independent space when I did, because I imagine the Imperial Inquisition is going nuts, I mean the NMLA is a problem of their own creation. It wouldn't exist if they hadn't treated Marlinists like scum for centuries. When peaceful protest is impossible, violent protest is inevitable. A similar thing happened in old Earth between the nations of Britain and Ireland; the British oppressed, brutalised and slaughtered the Irish for 900 years, and because the Irish had no voice, and had no one willing to listen to them they resorted to violence, and ultimately it sort of worked - Ireland was freed from British rule after a brutal bloody fought war, which did involve terrorism. A lot of parallels can be drawn between the NMLA and the old organisation of the IRA.

... Maybe I'll write about that another time, because I could do with some sleep. I feel like tomorrow will be just as busy. G'night.
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