Logbook entry

Conflicted Thoughts

10 Apr 2021Eris
Pilot's Log: CMDR Eris, aboard the Persephone
10 Apr 3307 - 01:53


I called it right a few days ago; KSM Industries did lose the war, at around 6pm on 8 Apr, at somepoint after I had completed a 50 million cr contract and scored about 96 kills. This conflict was my most profitable war I've been involved in; all this turmoil in the bubble has definitely upped the money factions are willing to pay mercs, which is fine by me - I don't need an incentive to do this work, but I definietly want to do more now. The Society of Kelie wiped the floor with KSM from what I'm hearing, and my contacts have let me know that the Society are gearing up to take on Kelie Resistance, and they would be very thrilled to work with me again. The Resistance are Feds, and I can't say I like them too much, so I see no harm in continuing to assist the Society in their... endeavours. Aylin thinks it's not a bad idea too.

...I've been thinking, I know how to analyse sources, and I definitely know when something isn't what it seems; something isn't adding up about this narrative that the Thargoids are hostile xenophobes. I mean, they attacked the bubble once, and seeing their seemingly endless numbers, and reading the report from Carmichael Point about the 'mothership', it doesn't seem like the Thargoids were putting much effort into that attack, and yet for a while they really had us on the backfoot... I don't think we actually drove the Thargoids from the bubble, I think they left like that was their plan. I'll need to think about it more, but I know this from personal experience: the Thargoids don't attack you if you don't provoke them and that behaviour just does not line up with this image of relentlessly aggressive and xenophobic slaughterers we've been fed. I'll need to look into it more... but I think there's been a misunderstanding... and I don't think the Guardian archives we've recovered told us the full story.

Anyway, thinking aside, I'm going to the bar with Aylin to have a few drinks. Bye!
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