Logbook entry

Author's review: It's been a year now.

17 Oct 2022Lily Flemmon
Over sixty entries. It started with just Lily and a handful of supporting characters. It started with me needing to vent. But a part of me made sure Lily found a place to be supported, and that place, that people, it grew into CTAC.
But CTAC was created to just be fictional, and for many months it was just that, fictional. Then I started working with other authors, and several who, like me, wrote to cope with things. Identity, mental health, trauma, and the struggles that come from them. And that's how CTAC started to become something real.
Now, we aren't bioengineering to hell and back, or doing any bioengineering at all (unless HRT counts, which I guess it kinda does). But we are a community, and we support each other as we work through our own difficulties. And we cook food and send recipes and culinary ideas to each other. And we share cultural ideas and we learn about our history and we hope for our future.

And it was only about a week ago that the realization hit: CTAC has, in all the most important ways, become a real thing. And one year ago, I never would have imagined this happening. It's overwhelming, and it's wonderful.
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