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It's not our first rodeo.

28 Nov 2022Lily Flemmon
Kingfisher megaship destroyed, huh? Attacked by Thargoids? I'm entertaining the possibility that it was sabotage. It's not like the same thing happened to the Alexandria, and this time it's more than just Azimuth who benefits from the destruction.

Zachary Hudson has the means, the motive, and the complete lack of a moral compass to do it. And there are several proven methods to provoke the Thargoids, namely carrying items stolen from them or carrying Guardian technology.

And there are Commanders reporting on open channels that the Kingfisher appears to have been carrying Thargoid Sensors, so... Probably sabotage.

But what I hate most about this whole situation is how the vast majority of humanity can't do anything but wait.

Oh, and Hudson... Fuck you. I hope the Thargoids know to kill you first, and I hope they fucking do.
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