The Empire and Lavigny's Legion
05 Dec 2020Besieged
Matisse Solange reached out to me with a proposition.Well, perhaps more an invitation for consideration.
In any case, it was suggested that while trading independently may be a fine road, that I might find more fulfillment in my travels through the void if I had some sort of beacon to light the way, and provide a place to think of as "home", even if I never go there.
To that end, I was asked to consider pledging myself to ALD and the Empire, and consider enlisting in Lavigny's Legion.
I spent the next several days considering while I continued to sail the seas of infinite black, and came to the conclusion that I think Matisse may well be right.
So, in the late hours of 04, Dec., 3306, I swore my fealty to the Empire, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, and to Lavigny's Legion, whereupon I was granted the rank of Initiate in the latter.
Let us see what this future holds.