Cmdr Ralphiez2
Space cowboy / Trader
Registered ship name
Old Explorer Extra
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer 694u
Overall assets
Marauders Vanguard
Felicia Winters

Logbook entry

I can't believe how ugly they are!

01 Feb 2023Ralphiez2
I just landed on Cornsar A3 this morning and came across one of the crashed Thargoid Vessels. While it gladdens my heart to see it laying there decimated in chunks of twisted metal (or whatever those things are made of), I can't help but be in awe of the apparent flimsiness of the materials they are made of. For something that can absorb blasts from both my multi-cannon and my beam lasers, without even flinching, I would have thought these things were made of 30-meter-thick titanium.

But the thing that keeps coming back to me is how ugly this tech is on the ground. When they aren't spewing caustic goo and raising hell out in space, these ships seem almost pretty. But here on the ground, there isn't a term that really conveys how ugly they really are. I'm glad to be wearing a suit while I am near it too because I have a feeling that the smell of the thing is probably terrible. I've come across some sensors that survived the crash, and they seem to be completely caustic still. I don't dare touch them, having seen what that stuff does to a ship. But the ugliness of the thing and the hazy emulation of whatever is causing that thing to be caustic just makes me feel like it smells bad.

Well, I guess I need to stop logging now and get back to picking up all this junk the murder flowers left when they fell from the sky. It's gonna be a long day on this desolate planet for sure.
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