Logbook entry


28 Sep 2022Dripnificent

Welcome to M.U.D.D. Monthly's first issue, where we'll be giving you the scoop on all happenings in our squadron, as well as an inside look at the front-lines of the current conflict with the space lettuce menace! Stay safe out there, commanders, and never fly alone!

What a great hunt the Thargoid Defense Community Goals were! Our squadron fought in all 3 of these theatres, and certainly left our mark. We went from a group of very modest beginnings, to #2 Xeno Defense! Our AX combat during this CG has been anything but orthodox. As a squad, we've learnt and adopted to ram thargoids to great effect. We've noted that sometimes after this, the interceptor seems to go passive, unsure who to target next. Several times CMDR Drip, myself & others have rammed them consecutively, combo pummeling them with our vessels, significantly shortening Hydra encounter times.

CMDR Vudrin has taught me the "ride the lightning, take the heart" technique, where the 'goid stays still while bolting me , allow me (and others with coordination) to take choice shots at it during it's self-enforced immobility. We organize ourselves as 2 to 3 wings, with some wing-mates prioritizing anti-swarm targeting, others with shutdown field neutralizers. We coordinate withdrawals from combat to R/R/R (refuel/repair/rearm) at nearby Fleet Carriers, along with others gaining aggro to allow the damaged to low wake successfully.

During the CG we've engaged and browbeat more than a few gankers to flee tail 'twixt their legs. And unfortunately have had to force a few rogue CMDRs to stow their SLFs to stop interceptor 'rubberbanding' and teleporting, despite asking several times for compliance. After these 2 weeks our coffers are now overflowing with billions of credits, and welded our squaddies into staunch team fighters. Moreover, we all now know each other and communicate easily, which I feel separates the mediocre teams from the accomplished.

Why not join us - this could be you!
Honor Sanguine Emptus

-CMDR Osotogari

"F.C. HOT CROSS BUNS" - Bans Squadron after DEF & Kara trash the bar.

So what's the story behind this?

Ahh, yeah well... To be fair it wasn't just the squadron that was banned, as they set docking access to just friends only. Banned just about everyone. Probably for the best. I'm mean, I don't know the exact reasons why... I just remember daring Kara to drink some of that green stuff and the next thing I know, projectile vomit is flying in every direction. Then everyone in the bar gets sick and uh... Zero-G group puking is not the party you want in on. Kara and I just ran for the escape pods and didn't look back.

I ain't surprised they shut the carrier down... it'll probably take weeks to clean everything off... and then there's the smell... Probably best to kick the airlocks open and vent the whole dang thing. Either that or just treat it like caustic damage and kill it with fire.


Never drink the green stuff. Words to live by.

CMDR Sudokek is still down for the count with laptop woes, and will be with us in spirit Much Love, brother o7

“Caustic Damage Detected”

While the powers and politicians bicker over how to respond to the Thargoids I can’t help but remember how HIP 22460 turned out. MANY commanders fought day and night, but to what end? Our enemy grew smarter and has developed new ways to counter out tactics.
Do we give up? NO! When we heard about the push into 42 N Persei, Chun Pindit, and Tekkeitjal our squadron leader, myself and many others in MUDD took IMMEDIATE action. Our enemy is learning but we are keeping up and deploying out-of-the-box tactics and thinking to continue the pressure.
These very tactics were quickly fired up by internal squadron wings with CMDRs Osotogari, Defkon, Sudokek, Imcollossus, Dripnificent, and Karagume in MUDD. We partnered with other Squadrons such as HIVE, AXI as well as many independent pilots and our collaborative efforts have been a great success. Now is the time to leave no stone unturned.
• Fleet Carriers providing triage and duct tape were nearby which meant a swift rotation of CMDRs back to the fight
• Commanders that had never engaged with Thargoids were provided hybrid tactics of support and Aegis weapon use that brought down even the toughest variant – Hydra
• Thargoid Sympathizers - you didn’t learn your lesson from HIP 22460, but WE did. Our fleets are deploying swarm-like tactics and attack coordination that has successfully pushed out these CMDRs that have forsaken their own species.
• MUDD has recruited many pilots to the cause that so very much desire to protect themselves and their own – Alex Wormson, ScaryLobsters, Salondor496 among many other serious warriors.
Ride the lighting, Take the Heart.

-CMDR Vudrin

So we've brought the fight to the alien menace, and they've responded in kind. What they didn't expect was to encounter a foe crazy enough to abandon reason and safety in order to get the job done. A little long-duration cold orbiting might very well be the safest approach, but if you want to take it to the next level (and have a ship hard enough) you might just enjoy trying to ram your larger foes into submission. Full speed ahead, FA off and careen into them. Watch what happens to that shield. Stay safe, commanders.
-CMDR Dripnificent

Scouts are ezpz to kill, even AX multicannons will light them up for a solid 80k each. Interceptors are the real deal; There are four hostile variants, all of which have a 99% resistance to standard human weaponry, so get your AX/Guardian weapons ready. The "Hearts" are internal modules that constantly regenerate the thargoid's hull health. In order to damage these hearts, enough damage must be dealt to cause exertion. Once a heart is exerted (it will begin to emit a bright red glow) you press the attack on this weak spot until it is destroyed.

Once a heart has been destroyed, the being will emit a new, powerful shield around itself. With careful timing, you may then shoot/ram the craft until its shield has once again ruptured, exposing the enemy to further damage. Once enough hearts have been destroyed, the thargoid will emit an electronic pulse to stun its prey; This is a good thing, as it means the enemy is almost at its end. Continue pressing the assault on this final heart, and you will claim victory.

-CMDR Gas1130

Words from the Beetle himself, all the way in Colonia!

It's been quite an interesting trip all the way out here, and it's my first time in Colonia. In total about 160 jumps have been made. If you're wondering how I've got so little jumps, I've been using the neutron highway! And don't listen to the people who say that the neutron highway isn't 'true' exploration. You see, I find something new in those systems, and I scan them (and take screenshots)! The neutron stars also don't get boring nearly as quickly as the Class M's I go to for fuel. On the way I've been in and out of galactic arms, nebulae, lagrange clouds and even unseen guardian ruins! It's been a truly epic adventure so far, and I hope to update you all again at Sagittarius A* (my next stop) and Beagle Point way down the road! Stay tuned!
-CMDR DarkBeetle

This war certainly has been an exciting one so far, hasn't it? We'll be on the front lines against the cosmic cabbages, and we hope to see you there! Stay safe out there, and best of luck, commanders! o7

**We're doing our part! Are YOU?**

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