Logbook entry


27 Oct 2022Dripnificent

Welcome to M.U.D.D. Monthly's second issue, where we'll continue giving you the scoop on all happenings in our squadron, as well as bringing you an inside look at the front-lines of the current conflict with the cabal of caustic cucumber! Stay safe out there, commanders, and never fly alone!


An express, special mention to our Commander of the Month CMDR Fritz Meyer, who missed several days of sleep ensuring that the front line never wavered! o7 Sir!

SexyTexy Answers YOUR Fan Mail!

"Hey there, Texas! Long time watcher, first time writer! I've seen you around (shortly before tools seem to go missing!) and I've got to know;
How does the single best-looking merc to pass through this system in months keep that hair so perfect?? ~Becki Torrez, Maintenance Level 3"

~Hi there Becki. I’m so flattered by your compliments. When you’re a space cowboy like ol’ Tex, you learn pretty quick about the best products to keep the ol’ hair behavin’ and stayin’ put. ‘Specially when the G’s can go from zero to 10 in the blink of an eye! Personally, I use Cordova Group’s “Galaxy Glue” to keep the ‘ol filaments behavin’. As for those tools, they’re not missing, they’re holidaying!

"Hi SexyTexy, omg I can't believe I'm writing you, um, what do you like in a girl? XXOO Jacinta Graves"

~Hi Jacinta. The best quality I love in a woman in confidence! Don’t be shy. You’re an amazing woman, and I’m sure you can attract any man your heart desires!

"Hi SexyTexy, such a huge fan of yours! Can you tell me, what do you do when you're not saving everyone? ~Markus, Resident of Gree"

~Thanks so much Markus for your kind letter. You know, I’m just one man behind a whole squadron of brave souls that protect citizens from the alien menace. When I’m not splattin’ bugs I like to unwind with a little political intrigue and skulduggery, usually washed down with a Lavian Brandy or two!

"Hello Sexy Tex! I see you swarmed all the time, do you enjoy it, or like your solitude? UNKN0WN"

~Let’s just say, I like it!

"SexyTexy, you promised you'd call me back, remember me? Those nights we had in Andecavi, watching you fly out in the morning,
fighting for every human in the galaxy... CALL ME! Rosalinda Ball, Andecavi Security Forces "

~Hi Rosalinda. I think there’s an issue with the comms on my ship. I’ll have the guys in engineering take a look at it. I’ll be passing by Andecavi soon. Same place and time?

"SexyTexy, been watching you a long time. I'm very close to you, in fact I've been your wingmate. Msg me buddy."

~Yeah, will do buddy, just got a few things on my plate. These letters don’t answer themselves!

"Your thoughts on the recently acquired home system, sir?"

~First impressions did not impress. What a dump! An anarchist backwater at the arse end of nowhere with a population of no-one! Still, for a rag-tag bunch and bug killers such as The Order was, I guess it fit the bill and would do the job; Home for now. The mission at hand was to get our political wing motivated and in charge, which is where Osotogari and I came in. Mors Universalis Demolition Division. Translation “Total Death”. That fit, too.

While the rest of the crew were busy taking down space flowers, basking in caustic essence and glory while reveling in the pop of each new exploded bug boy, we were on the ground getting our hands dirty with political intrigue. It wasn’t glamorous but it was necessary. When you get the call, you do the job.

Running transport missions isn’t sexy, but hey, I could use the break. At least there was the odd scumbag dedicated to trying to part me from my sensitive cargo. Most found out the hard way that wasn’t gunna happen easy! Then there were the civil wars that we may have fermented with the local rival factions to keep them busy at each other’s throats. All the while getting our dirty mitts busy putting the right people into the right positions, stealing their system right out from under their foolish noses. These were also a welcome distraction and opportunity to take out some trash for whomever suited us.

Best not to think too much about it. Wash the stink of politics off each night and look at the end game.

As I said, when Drip asks, he's a hard man to refuse.

o7 CMDR TexasDeluxe


Do you think you have what it takes to hold the front line? If so, Osotogari of MUDD wants YOU!

The BattleBeetle, scouting a home for us in case we ever have to escape as far as Beagle Point

I've gone all the way from Colonia since the last time I reported in, all the way to the edges of the galaxy! I've met a lot of cool planets and have taken some rather nice screenshots. I have also been looking for terraformable bodies, just in case we need to escape the bubble... I've heard there were some spooky halloween decorations the Thargoids put up in the sky. Anyone know anything about that? Anyways I'm pretty excited about reaching Beagle Point and possibly Salome's Reach some time soon. Of course, I also really admire all the work my fellow squadmates have been doing back in the bubble. I hear the Thargoids have been being quite naughty! Fly dangerously!

o7 CMDR Darkbeetle


The Faulcon deLacy Anaconda, the very finest of utility. Why leave the neighborhood when you can BRING the neighborhood? Safe Travels!

MUDD prepares the next wave of research for Professor Palin and Ram Tah!

We took a short trip to the Thargoid Structure in the HIP 24007 system, as we ran into a few people who had heard about some strange interractions between Guardian Relics and the sites themselves. Some claim to have witnessed these sites somehow "interracting" with the relics, shifting them into something entirely new and unseen before by modern human eyes. As with any other venture, we set out with supplies in tow from the fleet carrier Dripnificence and made a hasty planetfall. After several minutes of gunfire and a few SRV loads of unusual and rare alien biological materials later and we found the antechambers leading into the heart of the structure. Several stopped to take scans while the rest got to work loading the guardian relics into the ancient and forgotten biological mass. A few moments later, the job was done and with that, the deliveries to Professor Palin and Ram Tah were completed by the team. This journey left the group with a few answers, a few more questions and new curiosities... What will the big-brains figure out?

I guess only time will tell. For now, we've done our part.

o7 President Dripnificent


Just before the Thargon missile hits my ship…I wake up.

My dreams may be trying to tell me something, but I won’t stop. It’s time to strap in and get back to the fight for humanity. Our Squadron numbers have grown tremendously and I’m very proud to fly with these brave Commanders. This latest battle against the Xeno threat in Andecavi proved to be successful and was an eye opener for what our handmade internal tactics and teamwork can do. Just this week I’ve seen CMDR Fritz Meyer, GenKohai, FallenMerick and more deploy out of the box tactics that have blasted these bugs out of the sky. Meanwhile I’ve taken the time to get more comfortable with my own skills so that we can continue to provide the foundation of success for the newer commanders. Xeno threat aside, the dangers from criminals and Thargoid sympathizers HAS NOT slowed down. In Tekkeitjal we drove off several hostiles so that us and others could return to anti-xeno action. Battling bugs and bandits will soon be second nature as we continue to train albeit the express route in live battle zones. One key tactic is running security scans on all vessels entering the area, and then deciding on the course of action as a team.

o7 CMDR Vudrin


One of the newest additions to the MUDD fleet! Isn't she a beauty?

We would like to give a shout of thanks to SPEAR and their affiliate peacekeeper organizations for providing security against gankers, griefers and other forms of unsavory citizens at the recent thargoid community events! As you well know, these events tend to draw in the largest of crowds, and properly organized security helps the fine folks out there keep these events running smoothly and by the numbers. If you and your wingmates ever happen to find yourselves in a situation where you've been ganked/griefed upon, you are encouraged to reach out to your nearest SPEAR representatives VIA system chat!

Stay Safe out there, Commanders! o7


Speed. Elegance. Excellence. Why not try out your new Mamba today? Brought to you by the fine engineers at Zorgon Peterson!

Target Acquired…...
Analyzing Target Data…...
Biological Parameters Exceded…...
Secondary Scan Initiated…...
….. …… …
Estimated Velocity…. ~2000C
Estimated Dimensions…. Unknown
Target origin : Thargoid/Unknown(?)
Threat Level….

It seems pretty obvious that the Thargoids didn’t like our attempt to overbear them with the Proteus wave; They've called what looks like... Well, it looks like a human-exterminator sized reinforcement. What are they? Perhaps motherships, they are very bright and incredibly large, they look like stars… stars heading straight towards the heart of humanity. Our original system SOL… Surrounding it… It seems pretty obvious that we, more than ever, are called to arms. I hope everyone is prepared to defend our race, because this might be our last chance. Good luck, everyone… Signing off.

CMDR Gas1130


CMDR Gem-Et-Zel shares thoughts from the battlefield!

As the CG in Andecavi started I stopped running from the Thargoids. I was frightened before, thinking that I can't do anything other than running away. Then I decided to stop running and help humanity fight against those bugs. I taped four AX-Multis on my hull and turned my ship into a scout hunter to take part in that glorious fight. The scouts were melting down like wax on the sun between my bullets. After one of those fights I got invited to join "The Order of Dripnificence". So a friend and me joined this awesome crew which we then started fighting alongside. And damn... ...it was FUCKING AWESOME! Working as a team was great! I've learned so much about turning my ship into a real anti-thargoid weapon and how to fight them effectively. As the exhausting fight was finally ending after days of hard hydra fights it ended with fleeing bugs all over the system. It was good to take part in the fight. It was good to take part in it as a team. It was good that I didn't refuse to join!


o7 CMDR Gem-Et-Zel


You all know the mission and what is at stake. I have come to trust each of you with my life, but I share your concerns with the war to come. We were trained for intelligence and hardened combat. We would be legends, but those records have been sealed. Glory in battle is the public eye we rest upon, our works elsewise to greater glory in the unforeseen future yet to be written. Think of our heroes, the many brave commanders who have already given their best for us and, because of such, will ride with each of you towards the very victory they sought to make possible. They knew the risks, and it is up to us to pick up the pieces. The ancient enemy do not seem to give us solace here, but they are not all that we are. Before The Order, there was rampant chaos. Before diplomacy, there were soldiers. Our tenacity as a species halted the first invasions, but before that, we held the line. Our influence stopped The Oracle from making planetfall, but before that, we held the line! Our Order will lay waste to the Stargoids! In this battle today and in every incursion moving forward, we will hold the line!


The Proteus Wave, an Anti-Thargoid super weapon, was turned against us.

It was meant to disable every Thargoid ship in the region, but instead it disabled all human vessels. When this happened, an unearthly scream was heard. And thus the Stargoid approach began. At first the Stargoids were seen as rogue anomalies, but as more appeared a pattern emerged and it became clear that they were headed straight for us. Many explorers began tracking. Canonn began compiling data bases of their movements. This gave commanders the ability to predict their somewhat erratic movement patterns and get in close to observe their behaviour. I was one of these commanders. For a while the Stargoids were moving from system to system at around 0.8 LY/h and I observed an increase in speed to almost 50 LY/h. This short burst of speed demonstrated the terrifying capabilities of the Stargoids. Whilst moving between the systems that the Stargoids were traversing I was hyperdicted twice and scanned by a multitude of Stargoid interceptors, proving beyond a doubt that they were Thargoid in origin. As they approached each system their eerie yellow and blue spirals filled my scopes and no sooner had I laid eyes upon it when it teleported to the other side of the system, leaving a wave of destruction in its wake as I spotted many degraded emission signals filled with ship debris and black boxes. There were no survivors.

o7 CMDR Oomad


CMDR Fritz Meyer took some time to ask his fellow pilots their thoughts on recent happenings!

After speaking with a couple commanders within the Order of Dripnificence about their thoughts, anxieties and hopes for the next few weeks, we've gotten a few predictions on what's to come. The opinions vary between them, but most are prepared for hard battles once the Stargoids arrive. The possibility of more anti-guardian weapon disabling waves are a major concern. We are actively testing alternative weapons, and looking for alternative specialized engineering in order to avoid becoming defenseless should the Thargoids start shutting down systems within the bubble again. Some even hope for destruction on the human side, to fill gaps between the three super powers, bringing them closer together to stand as one force against an overwhelming threat.

o7 CMDR Fritz Meyer


CMDR UltiFerocity has been hard at war for humanity! A word?

With all of the chaos that has been going on involving the murderous cabbages, humanity needs all the help that AX pilots can give. And I would say that the independent pilots have been doing a FANTASTIC job of keeping the thargoids at bay! From shooting off the petals of the murder flowers to ramming their shields at unreasonable speeds, it's hard not to acknowledge the bravery of the Anti-Xeno forces. Although the murders of humanity are tragic, the thargoids have come in swinging stronger than before, meaning we need more firepower. But the thargoid sympathizers haven't gotten a break either, as they have been kicked out of Popontia by the overwhelming might of the Anti-Xeno forces. Although humanity has been winning the battles for now, we have yet to see what the "Stargoids" will have in store for us. From the intimidating "Cyclops" variant, to the biggest of the bad "Hydra" variant, they have all been swatted off of humanity's doorstep. But for now, we shall enjoy our current victories, before things might go the wrong way later.

And our victories wouldn't be possible without the squadron, which has pulled some bonkers feats of dedication in the Anti-Xeno sector. And despite the squadron only being formed a few months ago, The Order is 100+ pilots strong! With all of the new recruits, the ASP kicking went so well that MUDD is in the top 3 of Anti-Xeno squadron leaderboards! Thanks to all of our brave warriors, we have gotten the squadron to a place where everyone will see it's name. The Order Of Dripnificence has acquired some truly great pilots, ready to fend off the big bad bugs when they attack. Stay safe and happy hunting!

o7 CMDR UltiFerocity


Well, it's certainly been one solid month of conflict and intrigue across the board, hasn't it? Many new friends have been met, and with the Stargoids on their way so rapidly, many more are soon to come! With the most recent invasions in the California Nebula, are things finally starting to kick off? From all of us at Mors Universalis Demolition Division, have a Happy Halloween! Stay safe out there, commanders, and never fly alone! o7
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