Logbook entry


30 Nov 2022Dripnificent

Welcome to M.U.D.D. Monthly's third issue, where we'll continue bringing you the beans on all hot things in our squadron, as well as giving you an inside look at the front-lines of the ever worsening conflict with the Cadre of Capers! Stay safe out there, commanders, and never fly alone!



Hi all,
3rd issue, and easily the busiest month yet!

Our squadron continues to grow and we find ourselves doing more content than ever. Firstly, there was AX - and we placed bronze! Fantastic effort from everyone, right up to the last minute we were cashing in bonds. It was a crazy, frenetic time and our specialized AX contingent were squashing space turnips faster than ever. I personally witnessed a 20 second Basilisk kill! I want to give a shout-out to Loose Screws for not only taking gold, but for also being great guys to chat with and having friendly attitudes. We look forward to defending humanity with them, hopefully they think likewise. The Stargoids are almost here, and we'll need all the help we can get!

There's a solid group of us undertaking the BGS component of Elite now, and we seem to be doing well. It's early days, but nothing heartens me more than when the call goes out for urgent BGS work and squaddies by the droves pitch in and help. There's also a real thirst for knowledge from our more inexperienced people regarding BGS, and it's a pleasure to see others teaching the Great Game. As much as I enjoy AX, my real love is ship conflict zones - so much fun slipping behind a big fat target in my Mamba and letting rip with my frags....

We're also using this lull before Stargoids hit to mat-grind and gear our troops up, both in their ships and their personal combat gear. War is coming and we want to be ready!

- General Osotogari


Think YOU have what it takes to stand with us on the Front Lines? General Osotogari of M.U.D.D. wants YOU!

General Vudrin continues to defend us all on the edges of humanity!

It was almost a completely bright moment for the galaxy and MUDD!! We all shared in what can be called a solid victory being recognized for our mass culling of the alien menace. Profits are rolling in across the board! The Pilots Federation pays us incredibly well and with the winnings our Fleet grows larger, with many CMDRs taking their payouts and buying Fleet Carriers of their own. Shout out to some of our recent additions such as The Ishamura (CMDR Karagume) and Blarney Stone (CMDR Defkon)! On both the home and distant fronts we are going strong and in fact we've got CMDR DarkBeetle running operations and intelligence for us OUT in the black, using secure channels to transmit key information. Oh, about that first statement being an almost completely bright moment? Most of us currently out in Xeno territory can look to the distance and see the UIA's coming and casting a dark shadow on the future. The Kingfisher failed in it's attempts, but we won't. If the Thargoids are adamant about coming into our territory ready for a fight, there is one thing they can be certain about; MUDD IS THICKER THAN CAUSTIC

- General Vudrin


I have done my trip to the raw mineral system 1.5k lightyears away. Along the way I dropped in on a few systems to gather data from the water planets out there and drifted in some asteroid rings to search for anomalies. Unfortunately I was pretty unlucky to find the desired anomalies (thargoid birth anomalies). Upon arrival, I began a 4-5 hour heavy resource grind, afterwards I went and watched the nice looking biological sites before me and my Asp Explorer "Raxxla is True" decided to fly back to the bubble to put that haul of precious resources into the final upgrades for my 5th and final AX Fighter Gunship, known as "Deathbreath".

- CMDR H0arst9


General Oomad here, ready to study thargoids as they die to gain a better understanding, and if they need a little push in the dying direction, I am more than happy to oblige!


We're here with the man who holds title as both M.U.D.D.'s newest General, as well as The Hero of Gree! A few moments of his time!

Interviewer: General, Sir! What are your thoughts on the current make-up of the team, and do you think there are areas to be improved?

Oomad: Echo Wing works closely with Foxtrot Wing on the AX front. Our current members are Wood Starkill (Who reminds me of my younger self), Gas 1130 (Our best heart sniper) and myself, the "Hero of the War for Gree". We are currently looking for a 4th member to fill up our wing, someone with on-foot experience as we prepare for the war on the ground!

Interviewer: General Oomad, were there any fights out there that got a little too dicey to handle?

Oomad: Gas and I once took down a Madusa ourselves without either of us going for a triple R. It was in this fight that I learned how to push my old 'conda to it's limits, baiting swarm bombardments so that they explode in the cold vacuum of space, cold orbiting with boosting and heat sinks, always having a repair limpet on the go! It was quite the struggle, Gas's modules and my hull had seen better days but we killed it (And in a reasonable time, too)!

Interviewer: Mr. Oomad, how do you manage to keep your composure when humanity is facing a potential extinction event?

Oomad: The Stargoids will be damaging, but I'm sure we will survive. We always find a way. This squadron is one of many that has been preparing for this day across the bubble. We will fight them in the caustic if we have to, as our burning ships ram their hulls we may give them pause, and may they rethink this invasion, we must show them that it would cost too much to even attempt a genocide!

Interviewer: Your thoughts on the Superpower figureheads and their response, or lack thereof?

Oomad: I owe no allegiance to the superpowers, too much in-fighting for what should be a united front for humanity. The Imps pride, the Feds naivety and the Alliance's selling out to a clueless corporation are all things that could cost us dearly in the months ahead. I have more faith in independent pilots to do the heavy lifting than I have in the politicians that hide and take credit for things they had no hand in. I've never seen a leader from any side on the frontlines with the troops.

Interviewer: General, if I may? What are your hopes, plans and projections for the future, sir?

Oomad: If we survive this onslaught I plan to find a small backwater outpost and drink to a job well done, then get ready for whatever comes our way next. Defender of humanity is a job you don't get to retire from... It eventually catches up and retires you.

-General Oomad


Wood Starkill, brilliant fighter and AX wonder shares a word!

This is the Ellen Ripley, my AX fighter.

Definitely still taking suggestions on names... I considered naming her "Heartbreaker", but to be fair I can count on one hand the number of times I've popped a Thargoid heart, no questions asked. For the last few nights I've been flying solo. I'm used to flying alone. I had a couple wingmates years ago, and we made good money flying cargo and bounty hunting, but it was short-lived. The bulk of my money was made mining low-temperature diamonds. Alone. Sure, once I'd purchased a fleet carrier I began enlisting the help of other commanders to fill my cargo hold, but that, too, was short-lived. I've got to give credit to the 'Goids... They brought me to MUDD.

Years of flying cargo, running passengers, mining, and even some time in the black -- all tiny steps toward what appears to be our purpose as commanders. The Thargoids are coming, and we can't just continue to avoid them. When I decided to try my hand in the fight against the Thargoids, I showed up completely unprepared; An Anaconda built for killing humans, but nearly useless against the bugs. I ran into Commander Dripnificent. He added me to his wing, despite my inability to help (aside from the handful of scouts sent against us, and an occasional flak launched at the swarm). Since then, I've been preparing. I tried my hand in an Alliance Chieftain, running a full set of gauss cannons (thanks to the help of Commander Dripnificent). I then switched to a Challenger, my Ellen Ripley, after much trial and error (plasma chargers seem to suit me better, but only time will tell).

With the help of brilliant commanders like Oomad, Fritz Meyer, Dripnificent himself and many more, I've learned how to fight against the greatest threat humanity has ever seen. They will be here soon. I think I'm ready, thanks to MUDD. I hope I'm ready, for the sake of MUDD.

- CMDR Wood Starkill


As I compile my daily situation report for General Osotogari, I reflect on The Order’s progress. It’s amazing the change that a month can bring; This time 4 weeks ago I was commenting on the remote, desolate nature of our new home. Now, here we are with practically our whole Order of misfits in town, pulling the strings of influence to expand our little empire! I mean, I guess if I’m honest, why not be here? Our newest addition to the empire makes the home system look like Sol in comparison! With such a clinically long, nonsensical name of letters & numbers, what can you expect? Which is where I am now, working with Chief Guy Roman and attempting to compile my notes for the General. I gotta admit, I’m impressed by our progress! For a bunch of anarchistic bug splatters, we do some fine work politically. The gang have been busy undermining the local controlling faction's influence, while raising our own political control via the Mors faction arm. Such was our rapid success we quickly gained control of our home system, and proceeded to expand our reach into a new system in short order!

How many officials did I bribe and betray today? How much data did I smuggle for the cause? Of course, the current ruling league wasn’t going to roll over without putting up resistance, so conflict was inevitable. It was obvious to blind Freddy how that would conclude; Their inexperienced pilots were no match for our battle-hardened warriors, many in flashy, heavily modified fighters. I commend the opposition for their brave resistance, but the fighting was over in four short days, and we then proceeded to quickly undermine any lingering political influence they still wielded. The system inhabitants welcomed Mors with open arms and I’m glad to say is now an anarchist haven for the population to enjoy! It was a relief to dock at the main starport here without getting my arse shot off for once!

There was quite the party aboard The Dripnificence, our illustrious President Drip happy to buy us drinks all evening after our victory. I may or may not have woken with President Drip’s bartender, Aspen Pugh in her quarters! She mixes a mean cocktail, that woman! There is still some lingering animosity and we need to be wary of the leagues’s remaining controlled assets. It has been interesting to say the least, playing both sides. We’re STILL getting shot at! General Osotogari - first impressions, he's a bit of a cold fish; It seems like all he cares about are his numbers and his Mamba. However, his plans upon plans have been instrumental in our success. He has whipped us, a pride of wild lions, into an organized political force. I’m proud of our gang of misfits and villains! And we’re not stopping yet! Further conflict is inevitable! Bring it on! Which reminds me, I really need to submit my situational records to him! God damn it, he's a stickler for timely reports! I’ve never been too keen on the paperwork side of this gig! Maybe I can call on the wonderfully talented Aspen to help me…

- CMDR TexasDeluxe



Fears of a Thargoid Spy

The Thargoid Currently Known As "Karagume" is here to talk to us about being a thargoid in a human squad! We are hoping to get some good intel in this interview! Join us, as we attempt to see how he had come to be in this squadron, his fears relating to his co-existing with the team, and why he does what he does!

Interviewer: Hello Karagume, thank you for joining us on this interview.

Karagume: Hello, it is no problem to be here for a few questions, human.

Interviewer: Ok... To start we would like to know how you made contact with a human squadron and joined into it?

Karagume: Well, in time reference you would understand, this occurred roughly 6 Galactic Standard months ago. I had just abandoned the thargoids as they want to destroy humanity, while I find that the humans are capable of feats both great and terrible, and are worth interest and further investigation. I had figured out how to make myself look as human as possible and that’s about the time I had met the one they call "Drip", who took me in and showed me how you humans are and how you fight against my kind. When he brought this group of humans together, I decided to join him and help him as much as I can with what talents I possess.

Interviewer: What would you say your three biggest fears with being in the squadron are?

Karagume: My biggest fear is not being there when I'm needed due to having been out for so long. My physiology has not always agreed with Human regions, and this has sometimes caused need for great rest. My second fear would be that I cannot always provide as much information as I would like to be able to, and my third would be the difficulties in learning how to handle larger human vessels. They are indeed powerful and intimidating platforms.

Interviewer: Last question! What is it that a thargoid actually does for the squad?

Karagume: I have a ready presence in combat and intelligence gathering against my kind, better educating your species in how to effectively fight back and attempt to avoid your impending annihilation. Without information, we are all blind. War is won in the mind.


Sometimes a fun night out can become Dangerous in the blink of an eye, especially when hot tempers and Lavian brandy enter the mix!

Please, drink responsibly ESPECIALLY when not flying alone! Stay safe and have fun, Commanders! o7



Team DumpTruck has been leading the way in Goid Garbage removal! Let's hear their thoughts!

What can I tell you about team Dumptruck... First of we are always Off-Meta, we found out that if everybody is disciplined with their actions, we are strong enough to have fun in our own way.

Want to know more?

Imagine a typical German trash truck, the orange colour and its bulkiness... it's just like a Chieftain but obviously without the thrusters. Don't like using a chief? Use something else, there is no ship you can't use. Cooperate with us in fights and do your part to defend the galaxy!

Not satisfied yet?

Weekly training and personal crash courses are available for every member and friends of the Squad. They include information on ship builds and group fighting tactics. As long as we stand up for humanity and train more CMDRs, there is a chance of survival.

-CMDR Fritz Meyer, Foxtrot 1


I tried to remember something today. A simple thing. A memory just for memory’s sake. I tried to recall, paradoxical as it may seem, the dangerous yet peaceful galaxy. And I almost had it. Almost. But just as my mind fell down this abyss beyond dreams, just as I reached the vast emptiness, the room darkened and the ventilation fans juddered and ground to a halt. Within a handful of heartbeats, every breath became a struggle.

My chest heaved but it was no use. My lungs burned. A film of sweat coated my brow, trickled down to sting the corners of my eyes. A wave of cold panic surged through me. It wasn’t the sudden lack of filtered air that chilled me to the core. It was something worse than that. Much worse.

I was alone... facing Taranis.

While Foxtrot team fought endlessly and plucked space flowers all day long I went ahead and scouted those rogue signals everyone was talking about. I'm no fool, so hyperdictions were to be expected as I did my job as a space gardener. I had a thought that started to pop in my mind but I gave it no thought... I regret that decision now...

That thought became a feeling and... it came back... more and more, day after day of flower plucking around those rogue signals or unidentified interstellar anomalies. Eventually it became unbearable and I had to share it with my fellow CMDRs a few days ago around the time those idiots over at the Kingfisher megaship got obliterated... Well... that's to be expected when you carry thargoid sensors. While everyone is rushing head first in this impending war like frantic soldiers drunk on Benedictine, I fear... A fear which I never felt in all my days of AX hunting.

Oh, how I wish my instincts were wrong, yet what I feared most became reality... We will lose...We will only survive if we live like cockroaches. Mark my words: Scatter far and wide while we AX hunters try to buy you as much time as possible. Scatter, hide, live and rebuild.

-CMDR GenKohai, Foxtrot 2


I've been hearing a lot of uncertainty from the other Commanders recently. Lots of them are unsure about what's to come. One thing we can all agree on: The Stargoids ARE coming. Whether it be for peace or war, either way makes no difference to me, because I do know a few things for certain: The Pilots Federation pays me well to shoot Thargoids down, so until they stop paying, I'll keep shooting. When peace finally does happen, there will certainly always be someone else willing to pay for death. The thing I'm most certain of though, is that I won't be leaving the bubble for anyone - certainly not for the bugs.

This is my home, so regardless of the outcome approaching us, this is where I'll stay.

- CMDR FallenMerrick, Foxtrot 3


As a novice pilot I built a modest life over the last year with trading, mining and exploration. I travelled countless systems with my salvaged Courier, always fleeing the fights where I could. There were few fast enough to stop me. I scrimped and saved, and nearly made a whole billion credits, ready to settle down for retirement. But it wasn’t enough.

I was growing tired of the pilot’s life, but everything changed when I stumbled upon the Xeno advance on Andecavi, and I realized my eyes had been closed to the threat on our doorstep. I never considered myself a fighter. A man of science and rational thought, I was taught that dialogue is the only way for civilized creatures to settle their differences. But how can one speak to those who won’t talk? Those who have no interest in communicating? Those who choose to either ignore your existence entirely, or destroy you at a moments notice without a second of mercy?

“Live and let live” they say, and for a time I said the same. Now I say it is “Kill or be killed”, for that is the only language these bugs understand. So I found myself amongst a merry band of likeminded crusaders, standing against this threat. They showed me the ropes, and where to point my Gauss. I never thought myself a mercenary, but they have an honour above and beyond the Imperial Code I was force-fed as a child! And for the death of any poor fool who dies in our crosshairs, there are a thousand lives saved for our actions in Gree, or on the front lines as the Stargoids approach.

It seems that every other day there’s a cargo hauler on fire, in need of our aid. Unfortunately, it usually ends in a fight with the bugs, who never permit us to rescue the wounded or collect our dead. Morality aside, it seems that one month later, the coffers have never been so full. We earn more credits in Pilot Federation Bonds in a single day, than a month charting the furthest stars, alone in the void, or running supplies across the Bubble. But who knows what good those bonds will be if the Bubble burns… So that’s why I’m in this until the end.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

- CMDR ALXD, Foxtrot 4



Good day, everyone! What a day to be in the Elite universe! What efforts you've shown! No man, woman or cosmic cabbage has even slowed you down as you've kicked off several new system expansions into the darkness, while continuing to throw yet another wrench in the Xeno's plans for invasion! War scenarios happen, but to have responded in such organized numbers and force is a spectacle to behold, truly, and this is why the alien menace has taken notice. We've held strong, together, and have done our best to keep our areas of operation safer for those pilots who would fly in our vicinity. Humanity will never truly fail, so long as we stand together through every triumph, but most importantly through every shortcoming and defeat. It is not the sunlight that builds thick skin, but the embers and thorns we walk through that leave the scars of knowledge and progress.

Continue doing your absolute best to reach out and help whomever you can. A few seconds taken to save an inquiring mind can lead to a lifetime of an ally at your side. You came together in the shortest of times and have done your absolute best to keep the bubble from coming to harm, but we must take the next step forward, and even more brazenly than we ever have before. You've triumphed because you have something that not many are often lucky enough to get right. You have true camaraderie built between like-minded friends, and that is the real prize we've all achieved. We've done this, step by step, together.

I am so proud of all of you. Continue to be the best of the best of the Elite community, and never forget why! The why is each and every one of you!

- President Dripnificent


The last month has been pretty crazy! With the stargoids moving ever closer and our squadron growing larger, it's no surprise that this has been an interesting month. With the rapidly unscheduled disassembly of the Xeno-Peace megaship (who would have guessed that would happen), tensions between humans and thargoids are growing rapidly, and our squadron is here to help, making sure that murder cabbage is always on the dinner table! We have yet to see what the "Stargoids" look like, and also to see if they can be killed.

And now, some of my own adventures to spice it up! If you want to engineer a combat ship, but often find yourself short of manufactured materials, then you need to go to Hot Jupiter! (Col 285 Sector RF-C b14-7). You can blow things up to your heart's content AND get manufactured materials at the same time! It's two birds with one stone! Just keep in mind that there are a lot of escape pods that fly out of the things, so you can choose to save the passengers or let them die. You can also collect encoded materials simply by wake scanning or flying around a resource extraction site and targeting the ships and scanning them. And you can gain raw materials just by laser mining (a good location for laser platinum mining is [Col 285 Sector KM-V D2-106; planet 5])


Ulti's Tip of the Month

A thing that I think commanders should know is the basics of Gank Evasion. Even though the gankers may seem like an unstoppable threat, there are ways to greatly improve your survival. The first step of Gank Evasion is to submit to your attacker's interdiction. If you submit, your FSD cooldown time will be significantly reduced compared to trying to fight and failing the interdiction. What happens next depends on the ship you fly. If you are flying a speed ship that has a boost of over 800m/s, then you can straight-line it away from your attackers. However, beware that there are builds that counter this, such as a Long-Range railgun build, or a Death Star Beam-Laser Anaconda. In this instance, it would be wiser to boost past your attacker and keep doing so until you can plot a route to another system and HIGH wake out of the instance.

If you are flying a medium/small ship, just boost past your attacker and do the stuff above. However, if you are flying a large ship, then the best thing you can do is just to tank the damage done by the attacker while you plot to another system (thus stressing the importance of strong shields and good engineering knowledge). There is one crucial thing that I think all commanders should know and practice more in this scenario, and that is to NEVER boost in a straight line while running from your attacker. This gives them the opportunity to use FSD disruptor missiles, which reboot your Frame Shift Drive. Instead, use your lateral thrusters, move in unpredictable ways, and never be facing perpendicular to your attacker.

If you have neither strong shields or a fast ship, then there is another way to go. Solo play exists for a reason, and there is nothing stopping you from playing in it. It is important to stress that if you log into open play, then you are knowingly or unknowingly agreeing to the fact that you will encounter or interact with other players, whether that be friendly or unfriendly interactions. Even though there are PvP groups dedicated to hunting down players that kill others unprovoked, the most important thing you can do to help them is to learn how to survive by yourself. And if you get blown up, take what just happened, replay it in your head, and think "What could I have done better to survive this encounter?", thus learning from your mistakes and improving over time with trial and error. Gankers have counter-builds to everything, so keep that in mind as you are outfitting and engineering your ships. Survive long enough for the police to get there, and you are considered a good pilot in my books.

On the topic of good engineering knowledge, it is important to know about resistances for hull and shields! The damage types consist of Absolute, Explosive, Thermal, and Kinetic (Plasma Accelerators do 60% of their damage as absolute, for example). Thermal is the most common damage type used by NPCs and players alike, so keep a good thermal resistance on your shields. A good rule of thumb is to put a thermal resistant base upgrade on your shields, then use heavy duty or resistance-augmented shield boosters to follow, allowing you a greater survival chance. For hull, thermal resistance doesn’t matter as much, so use heavy duty and deep plating engineering for your builds. If you want to build “funny hull”, you can make all of your hull reinforcements thermal resistant, and then you can tank station fire for a little bit! Another thing is to know where to use Shield Cell Banks and Guardian Shield Reinforcement Packages. At first, Shield Cell Banks (SCB's for short!) look to be the definitive best option, but sometimes that isn’t the case. Because of the “Feedback-Cascade” modification for railguns (Which reduces the cells replenishment output), you have to plan carefully where and when to use them in order to not get them cancelled. Alternatively, you can use Guardian Shield Reinforcement Packages to significantly up your shield’s overall base health. Using a mix of these two can improve your build strength, but if you are running a build that has limited internal space, then going for all GSRPs for modules doesn’t sound too bad, especially when paired with a bi-weave shield, making for a strong and fast regenerating shield.

I hope these tips help your experience when playing in open, and I would love to hear the things that you have also learned from your time in open play. But that's it from me for now, so see ya next month! o7

- CMDR UltiFerocity


Yeah it's me again, CMDR Darkbeetle! Still out here in the void, you know! Reports of other people on my expedition finding thargoid probes on planets have been worrying me, but I don't think their main fleet is here. Not so far out 33k LYs from the bubble, anyways. I have a fat stack of exploration data, which will surely help me get a new ship when (or if?) I return to the bubble. In the meantime, other than exploring, I've also been able to hook up to the fleet carrier's public Wi-Fi to do some work. Mostly sending these reports, but more importantly, assisting with sensitive cases back home! I also got a file transfer request from an anonymous CMDR while using the public Wi-Fi... Gotta be careful these days, one wrong click and who knows what would happen. Anyways, I really wish the best for you all back in the bubble despite the giant stargoid things heading towards humanity. Stay safe! o7

- CMDR DarkBeetle


And with that, another month has come and gone and another several hundred billion in beautiful bug bounties have graced the communities pockets! What a solid show of performance all around! There were some rough patches here and there, but luckily our lovely in-game law keepers tend to handle the trash when called upon, and M.U.D.D. certainly sends its thanks! Give them a shout and a greeting, as they work tirelessly out there keeping the good people safe! With a few short hours to go until Update 14 splits Legacy and Live modes down the middle (as well as introducing the first wave of the next generation of content!), who knows what mysteries there will be to uncover! I certainly hope you're ready for this, because the invasion has arrived! You know M.U.D.D. will be on the front lines! Will YOU?
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