Logbook entry


06 Jun 2023Dripnificent


WOW, what a busy time it's been! The team is still hard at work annihilating the front lines while expanding into even more unusual ventures against the invasive ivy stretching across the bubble, and in the meantime new experimental equipment has been made available for the public to gather new insights with! What new discoveries await the community? Which brave soul will be the one to uncover the next step in the Titan investigation? We're certainly going to have to find out, won't we?



#1 - Imperial Courier AX Tips with Fritz Meyer!

#2 - Slave Party in HIP 9499!

#3 - General Osotogari's 2nd Comic!

#4 - HORS Lore!

#5 - Foxtrot Echo One Orthrus Tip!

#6 - CMDR Lockjammer's "Beyond The Horizon: The Derelict Vessel" part 2!

#7 - How The Hunter becomes The Hunted!

#8 - Kero and GenKohai's Titan Trek!



#1 - AX Courier Tips with General Fritz Meyer of MUDD's own Foxtrot Wing!

1. - Time to Shoot

The perfect moment to start your attack is after the interceptor emptied its magazine and turns around for a reload.
This gives you a small window every few cyclops shots for a safe engagement. The worst moment to attack is when the
interceptor is firing caustic missiles, as while missile mode is active, the bug can basically cheat and panic-shield
over and over again which just draws out the time.

2. - The Right Distance

Important to know is that they behave different, if you got the attention and depending on how far you are. Getting
further away than 3k is only a problem with the swarm. You still get limited by the immense damage falloff after
1.25km that comes with the shard cannons. On the other hand you run into repeated lightning phases if you approach
it closer then 800m while being targeted.

3. - Pip and Weapon Management

On your way from the base to enemy, you just throw 4 pips in thrusters. If you approach interceptors (except basilisk)
you want to have at least 1.5 pips in systems to be always able to use heatsinks. 4 pips in weapons, to prevent your
distributor from running dry which creates more heat while firing. Don't pop a heatsink unless you have 5 shots already
reloaded in your shards, as you would waste cooled time with reloading. Feel free to use the thermal vent beam laser
while reloading for additional cooling.

4. - Exert and Break.

Approach the interceptor until you reach proper distance. Fire a heatsink and once you've dropped to 0% heat you shoot
2 shots in to the middle where the cockpit is. This leaves you with 3 more shots in your shards. The heatsink will still
be running at this point, using the excessive cooling you can concentrate on the freshly popped up heart. The Cyclops
hearts need 2 shots as well which leaves you with one cartridge per barrel. This is your safety margin. If you hit the
interceptor from to far away you need 3 shots for exert and break so its kinda important to stick close. With every heart
broken it becomes much easier to exert the next.

5. - Ugliness and Unfair Tricks

The Golden Shower: After you've broken the first heart (An interceptor gets a leaf broken) they wont shoot any missiles.
Instead, he will zap you which does an absurd amount of shield (we dont have one) and module damage. Since we have a lot
of lightweight parts, we have reduced module integrity, ergo we want to avoid being zapped by all interceptors above basilisk.

Caustic Shit: After the second heart the interceptor will throw out the caustics. They travel at about 500m/s and will home
in on you. Obviously they wont get you but they hurt if they do. Your main goal is to run beneath 20% heat and further away then
1k, this way you can cheese the whole missile phase by simply waiting until the interceptor starts shooting again.

EMP: When reduced to One Heart Remaining, the interceptor class will pop an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) field around themselves
with a roughly 14.7 km range. You can avoid it by getting a landing permission or if you carry a Field Neutralizer, you can assign
a quick button as well. Keep in mind that your own Neutralizer covers a 3km bubble and will shield others as well.

Good luck o7

~General Fritz Meyer


Our friends at the Federation Fleet Marine Force are always looking for fresh meat for the grinder and fresh eyes for the skies!

The Federal Marine Corps' expeditionary naval capabilities are critical in a galaxy where 50% of the star ports are located near landable planets. When crises erupt anywhere in the Galaxy, the Federation calls upon its Marine Corps to carry out its foreign policy objectives. They are the Federation's "Rapid-Reaction" force and perhaps the most feared force in the Galaxy.

Federal Marines operate domestically and all over the Galaxy. As a rapid-reaction focused force, many spots where they work are risky at best. They are tasked primarily with first-on-the-scene missions, awkward or challenging missions that involve space-land work, security, and anything with a high probability of violence. Don't forget -- They are the Galaxy's most feared warriors!

Some examples of Marine missions:
o Support of Federal Power Play factions
o Anti-Xeno Operations
o Major Space Warfare Missions in Combat Zones (space and land)
o System Security
o Settlement Raids
o Secure Cargo
o Deep Space Reconnaissance

Interested in Joining the Fleet Marine Force?

Learn about the benefits of serving the Federation: paying for college, military career paths, retirement benefits and more! Get the skills you need to secure your future. Sign up now and hear from a recruiter near you. To join the Federal Fleet Marine Force, go to your squadron tab and search FFMF.
o7 commanders

DISCORD WARNING! This is not a family friendly squadron.
Be prepared for:

o Foul language
o Disrespecting members of the opposite sex
o Dishonorable methods or practices
o Grunting
o Racism is not tolerated at all - that is a line we will not cross


We will try to keep it professional, but this is The Marines. o7


#2 - Breaking News: Horsemen of the Apocalypse Free 500,000 Slaves and Throw Epic Space Party in New System

In a galaxy not that far, far away, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse are proving that heroes don't always wear capes, but they do know how to throw one heck of a party! After months of fundraising, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse announced that they had enough credits to free over 500,000 slaves from their former owners. But they didn't stop there. They decided to celebrate their victory with an epic space party that would go down in history. Using their impressive capital ships, the Horsemen transported the slaves to a new system known as HIP 9499, which had been facing major issues, because the faction, Union Cosmos had misplaced its citizens and lost track of them. The party began as soon as the newly freed slaves arrived on the space station Sugano Port, with music blasting, colorful lights flashing, and the smell of space barbecue filling the air.

The Union Cosmos were surprised by the Horsemen's party, but they welcomed the new citizens with open arms. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who had been working tirelessly to end the issue of slavery in the galaxy, were hailed as heroes and party legends. As the night went on, the party got even more wild and crazy. Some of the former slaves were amazed by the new technology and entertainment systems that they had never seen before. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse made sure that everyone had a great time, with dance competitions, laser tag tournaments, and even an airlock karaoke contest with the Union Cosmos personnel.

The new citizens of HIP 9499 danced the night away, with some even learning new dance moves from other planets. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse made sure that everyone was well-fed and happy, including the former slaves who were able to forget their past and start a new life in a new home. The move by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse has been hailed as a significant step towards eradicating the issue of slavery in the galaxy. But for now, they're just happy to have thrown one of the biggest space parties in history! The only downside was that the space station Sugano Port was now overcrowded, but no one seemed to care as the party continued to rock on.

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse have set a new standard for how to celebrate freedom and equality, and many are hoping that others will follow in their footsteps!



#4 - The Lore behind our friends, The Horsemen of the Apocalypse!

In 2155, the corporation Interstellar Prison Facilities or IPF, was established with the goal of creating prison colonies for the extraction of resources. The plan was to utilize prisoners for dangerous and often fatal mining operations on planets outside Sol, as these individuals were deemed expendable. Construction on the first colony's megaship, named The Horsemen, began a year later in 2156. The ship was designed to accommodate 4000 prisoners in sleeper pods and a crew of 250. It was also equipped to carry all the necessary materials and equipment to establish a colony with mining operations on a planet.

Sleeper pods, a precursor to the more advanced cryogenic stasis pods, were used to induce a deep sleep state through lower temperatures and chemicals. However, this technology was considered inhumane as it resulted in nightmares and, in some cases, insanity when used for extended periods. For some unknown reason, sometimes dreams could move over from one person to another and even change their beliefs on a fundamental level. Due to the economic crash of 2157, IPF faced financial difficulties and was forced to make cost-cutting measures in the construction of the megaship, The Horsemen. Cheaper components were used, and more sleeper pods than the original design could handle were installed. Additionally, security measures were reduced to increase profits. Despite these changes, the megaship was completed in late 2158, slightly over budget.

The Horsemen now housed 8000 sleeper pods and a skeleton crew of only 50. To maintain control over such a large number of prisoners, an AI-controlled system of electrified collars was implemented. These collars were capable of inflicting pain or unconsciousness as a means of punishment and were intended to instill fear in the prisoners to prevent riots. This type of collar was a common sight in prisons on Sol, during this time. Before the sleeping pod was closed, the collar was removed because the collar battery wouldn’t last the trip without recharging. The idea was to put the collar back on the prisoner before they would awake to keep control over the prisoners.

On the 10 of January 2159, the megaship The Horsemen, was finally ready for its maiden voyage, filled with prisoners and crew. Among the prisoners was a 59 year old male called, Gale Ingram. Mr. Ingram was sentenced to prison because of preaching his Doomsday Christan beliefs to others. He believed that the Apocalypse was coming together with the four horsemen as stated in the bible. As The Horsemen embarked on its journey, Gale Ingram was placed in his sleeper pod and the collar was removed. He had no idea what lay ahead for him and the other prisoners. For the first few weeks, everything seemed to be going smoothly. The AI-controlled system of electrified collars kept the prisoners in line, and the crew carried out their duties without any issues.

But things started to change as the journey progressed. The cheaper components used in the construction of The Horsemen began to fail, causing frequent malfunctions and delays. The crew struggled to keep up with repairs, and tensions started to rise. Meanwhile, Gale Ingram and the other prisoners began to experience strange and vivid dreams. They started to have visions of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, just as Ingram had predicted. But these weren't just regular dreams. They were so intense that they felt real, and some prisoners even claimed that they could feel the presence of the horsemen around them.

As time passed, the dreams started to become more and more bizarre. Some prisoners reported seeing the horsemen leading them out of their pods and into the ship's corridors. Others claimed that they were transported to different planets where they were forced to mine for resources. These dreams began to affect the prisoners' mental health, causing them to become increasingly agitated and paranoid. Ingram, however, was different. He believed that the dreams were a sign from God, and that he was chosen to lead the prisoners to salvation. He started preaching to anyone who would listen, and soon his message began to spread throughout the ship.

As the situation onboard The Horsemen continued to deteriorate, the crew became increasingly overwhelmed. The AI-controlled system of electrified collars malfunctioned, and the prisoners began to rebel. Ingram and his followers led a mass uprising, taking control of the ship and overpowering the remaining crew. As chaos engulfed their vessel, the Horsemen veered off course and ended up in the Hors system with extensive fires raging across their decks due to the malfunctioning electronics. The situation rapidly spiraled out of control, leaving the crew members scrambling for their lives amidst the flames. The inferno also wreaked havoc on the sleeper pods, damaging many of them beyond repair. In some cases, the control systems for the pods malfunctioned, causing the prisoners within to awaken prematurely, adding to the pandemonium.

After the chaos caused by the fire and malfunctioning electronics, a group of prisoners, including Ingram, saw their chance to escape and fulfill their destiny. They managed to rally 400 other prisoners and board settlement building crafts that were aboard the capital ship. As they descended to a nearby planet, they became known as the Clan of Hors, after their new-found home in the Hors system. Once the Clan of Hors had settled on the planet, Ingram emerged as their natural leader, and his followers viewed him as a prophet who had led them to salvation. They quickly established a new society, free from the oppression of their former captors.

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse were established as the leaders of this new society, with a council of Elders known as the Four Horsemen. It was believed that the Horsemen of the Apocalypse were the avatars of beings called Reapers, who were immortal and completely neutral. They did not care for deals, fate, or even each other at times, as their only concern was to maintain the "Natural Order" of life and death. As a result, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse were also completely neutral, aligned with neither Good nor Evil. They did not fear death, as they believed that they would always be reincarnated into another body. As time went on, the Clan of Hors continued to thrive under the leadership of Ingram and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They built a new society based on principles of equality and justice, and the Four Horsemen council ensured that these values were upheld.

One of the key beliefs of the Clan of Hors was the idea of reincarnation. They believed that all beings, including humans, were constantly being reborn into new bodies. This belief was reinforced by the presence of the Reapers, who were seen as the ultimate embodiment of this cycle of death and rebirth. The Horsemen of the Apocalypse were seen as the avatars of the Reapers, charged with maintaining the natural order of life and death in the universe. They were believed to be completely neutral beings, caring neither for Good nor Evil, and only concerned with ensuring that the cycle of life and death continued uninterrupted. The Four Horsemen council consisted of the eldest and wisest members of the Clan of Hors, who were charged with advising and guiding the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They were seen as the keepers of wisdom and knowledge, and their opinions were highly valued by the rest of the community.

Over time, the Clan of Hors grew and expanded, building new settlements and forming alliances with neighboring communities. Ingram remained the spiritual leader of the community, and his message of hope and salvation continued to inspire and guide his followers. However, not all was peaceful within the community. As the Clan of Hors grew in size and power, factions began to form, each with their own beliefs and goals. Some believed that the community should be more aggressive in defending itself against outside threats, while others advocated for a more peaceful and cooperative approach.

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as the ultimate guardians of the community's beliefs and values, were often called upon to mediate these disputes and ensure that the Clan of Hors remained united and strong. Despite these challenges, the Clan of Hors continued to thrive and grow, thanks in no small part to the leadership and guidance of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.



CMDR NAME: Foxtrot Echo One
REAL NAME: Wil Fearion

Squadron Leader for the Vortex Squadron and founder of the Anti-Xeno Elites Initiative (AXE). The Vortex Continuum Faction founded the AXE Initiative in 3309 as a way to help support the various Anti-Xeno groups in putting an end to the Thargoid invasion festering in our Milky Way galaxy right now. If they are not stopped, our once beloved galaxy will cease to exist and humans will be nothing but burnt space dust.

AXE is a small independent group of tactical pilots who engage systems where the Thargoids are already attacking. We keep an eye on the progress of the war and strike where we feel that we can do the most good for humanity. If you have any information that you would find useful to our cause, please feel free to contact me.

o7 and fly safe Commanders!



Our friends over at the Freedom Delivery Service are ready to rock out some serious BGS score, are YOU?

Freedom Delivery Service (FRDS) is a squadron focused on BGS activities. Originally we were a purely Chinese language squadron, but after merging with Explorers of Nabudis we decided to make English the official language. After this we started recruiting federal players from all over the world, even if you don't know how to do BGS, you are welcome to join us! We established the in-game faction "Federal Freedom Party" in the early 3307 and began annexing another federal faction, Explorers of Nabudis, in early 3308. The goal of our faction is to promote and protect democracy in the Federation and throughout the galaxy.

Freedom Delivery Service was originally a research group for ancient earth history based on the Sol system. Inspired by ancient history, its core members migrated to the Apademak system to form the Federal Freedom Party, a political party with the goal of promoting freedom and democracy. The Freedom Delivery Service itself became a paramilitary organization supporting the Federal Freedom Party. The Federal Freedom Party was officially founded on February 26, 3307, and since its inception it has been sweeping up hostile forces in the bubble rim area, such as dictatorial warlords, anarcho-terrorist groups, and criminal and pirate groups that roam the neighborhood. In the aftermath of Nine Martyrs in 3307, the federal turmoil and the president's anti-democratic policies reinforced the Federal Freedom Party's belief in its responsibility to protect federal democracy. By the beginning of 3308, due to the unrest in the federal government last year and the growing crime and piracy problems in the bubble rim area, the Explorers of Nabudis, another federal faction located near the Federal Freedom Party-controlled systems, decided to join the Federal Freedom Party and work together for the common goal.



#6 - As I flew away from the derelict ship, I couldn't help but to feel a sense of determination. I would make sure that the truth of what happened to the ship and its crew would be known, and that their memory would be honored. I would not rest until justice was served and the unknown alien race was held accountable for their actions. After a few hours in hyperspace, the ship emerged into normal space with a jolt that made my teeth rattle. The screen on the navigation computer blinked to life, reminding me of my location.

I squinted at the data, I finally was in the Maia system, my eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness of the cockpit. The star system I had arrived in was unfamiliar to me, but the proximity to the very luminous blue-white stars outside the window indicated that I was in for a hot and turbulent ride. The black hole feeding off the gigantic star didn’t really assure me that this was a good place to be. The sound of the faster-than-light drive was still humming in my head, a lingering echo of the exhilarating journey through the space-time continuum. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on the task at hand: finding the local spaceport, Obsidian Orbital. With practiced ease, I entered the coordinates into the ship's computer and engaged super cruise, guiding the vessel towards its destination.

As I steered the ship towards the station, a strange noise reverberated through the hull. I cursed under my breath, knowing that the ship was in dire need of repair and maintenance. The last salvage operation had not gone well, leaving the vessel battered and stripped of many essential components. The slaughter that had taken place on the scavenged ship had been a horror show, with twisted, alien creatures tearing apart the crew and wreaking havoc on the systems. But what had caused this? Who or what was behind it all? I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this than just a simple salvage operation gone wrong. The rumors of a dangerous new player in the galaxy had been circulating for weeks, and now I was starting to believe them.

I sighed, knowing that the repair costs would eat into my already meager budget. The cash flow had not been good lately, and luxuries like maintenance had to be pushed into the future. I hoped that I would be able to make enough credits from my current venture to stay afloat a little while longer. With a little bit of luck, I might be able to uncover the truth behind the slaughter and find out who was behind it all. As the spaceport loomed closer, I noticed a flicker on the scanners. A small blip, barely registering, but enough to make me uneasy. I scanned the area more thoroughly, my eyes darting across the console, searching for any sign of danger. But there was nothing there. Just empty space, and the hum of the engines. I relaxed a little, chiding myself for my paranoia. But just as I turned the ship towards the docking bay, a jolt shook the vessel. Alarms blared, warning lights flashing in red. I frantically checked the readings, trying to identify the source of the disturbance. And then I saw it.

A cluster of alien ships, sleek and black as if forged from obsidian, emerged from the shadows of a nearby asteroid field. The cold light of the giant star cast an ominous glow upon their hulls, sending shivers down my spine. It didn’t make it easier that they looked like flowers. My heart raced as the ships headed straight towards me, their advanced engines humming with deadly precision. The air inside the cockpit grew thick with fear and I couldn't help but notice the panic lurking at the back of my mind. Thargoids, the very name sent chills down my spine. What the hell were they doing in this system? They shouldn't be inside the bubble. These were the most advanced, hostile and enigmatic beings in the galaxy, capable of tearing apart any ship that dared to cross their path. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I frantically punched in the coordinates of the nearest jump point, hoping to make it out of this alive.

My hands shook as I activated the super cruise drive, hurtling towards safety. The Thargoids were close behind, their ships agile and deadly. I could feel their presence in the dark void, their alien technology sending shivers down my spine. My mind raced, trying to come up with a plan, but all I could think about was the horror stories I had heard about their attacks. The ship jolted as the Thargoids fired their weapons, narrowly missing my vessel. I could hear the whine of my engines and see the electricity charges coming from their weapon, getting closer and closer with each passing second. My heart pounded in my chest as I desperately tried to think of a way out of this situation.And then, as if by a stroke of luck, I spotted a small asteroid field ahead. It was risky, but it was my only chance. With a quick calculation, I made a split-second decision and veered towards the rocks, hoping to use them as cover.

The Thargoids followed, their weapons blazing, but I was able to weave in and out of the asteroids, using their gravity wells to slingshot me out of harm's way. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I made it to the jump point, heart racing with adrenaline. As the faster-than-light drive engaged, I felt the familiar rush of energy as the ship leaped towards safety. The stars streaked past me, a blur of light and color, but my mind was still reeling from the encounter with the Thargoids. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to their appearance than just a random encounter. The Thargoids were notoriously enigmatic and hostile, and their sudden appearance in this system raised more questions than answers. What were they after? Was there something in this system that they were seeking? Or was it just a warning, a display of their power and dominance in the galaxy?

The possibilities were endless, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how little I knew about these alien beings. Their technology was far beyond anything humanity had ever seen, their motives and methods shrouded in mystery. But one thing was clear: they were not to be trifled with. As I continued on my journey, my mind raced with questions and doubts. The encounter with the Thargoids had left me shaken to the core, but it had also ignited a spark of curiosity within me. I knew that I had to find answers, to uncover the truth behind their appearance in this system. It wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to try. Surviving the Thargoid encounter was a relief, but the danger of space remained omnipresent. The emergency jump brought me to the Delphi System, 30 light years from Maia.

The universe was an unpredictable place, full of both wonders and terrors beyond imagination. With the navigation computer's help, I located The Oracle, a space station in the system, and entered its coordinates into the Cobra Mk III's computer. I accelerated the ship into super cruise, hoping to reach station without further incident. As I cruised towards The Oracle, I couldn't help but reflect on the events that had brought me to this point. I was a salvager, chasing down forgotten ships and collecting what has been left by the ages of time. It was a dangerous job, but I loved the thrill of the hunt and the freedom of space travel. But my encounter with the Thargoids had been unlike anything I had ever experienced before. They were a mysterious species, known for their aggression and hostility towards humans. Their ships were unlike anything I had ever seen, with strange and alien designs that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

The jump to the Delphi System had brought a temporary respite from the danger, but the tension remained high as I approached The Oracle. The station loomed ahead, a gleaming metallic behemoth suspended in the void of space. As I guided my ship towards the landing bay, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the sight of other vessels docked safely. As I disembarked from my ship and made my way towards the station's hub, the hustle and bustle of the busy trade hub greeted me. Traders, smugglers, and bounty hunters alike bustled past me, all with their own agendas and secrets. I had to be careful not to attract unwanted attention, especially after my encounter with the Thargoids.

As I approached The Oracle, I activated the docking computer and began to prepare for landing. The station was a massive cylindrical structure, bristling with ports and bursting with activity. I could see other ships coming and going, traders and explorers and bounty hunters. My thoughts turned back to the data I had collected earlier, and the potential rewards that it could bring. But the question remained: who would be willing to pay for it? The answer could mean the difference between making ends meet or falling into debt. Once I had landed and secured my ship, I made my way to the station's main hub. It was a thriving marketplace, filled with traders and vendors selling everything from food to weapons to exotic alien artifacts. I made my way to the nearest information terminal and began to search for potential buyers for the data I had collected on the Thargoids.

But as I landed and stepped out of my ship, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been haunting me since my encounter with the Thargoids. I needed to find answers, to understand why they had attacked me and what they were doing in the system. I made my way to the station's communication hub, hoping to find someone who could give me some insight. As I approached the reception desk, a bored-looking clerk looked up at me. "Can I help you?" she asked, her voice dripping with disinterest. "I need to speak to someone about the Thargoids," I said, trying to keep the urgency out of my voice.

She gave me a skeptical look. "And why would you want to do that?"

"I was attacked by them in the Maia System," I replied, my voice rising slightly. "I need to know why they're here." The clerk's expression softened slightly. "I see. Well, I'm not sure who you could talk to about that, but I'll see what I can do. Please wait here." I sank deeper into the chair, feeling a knot of frustration twist in my stomach. I knew what I saw, and it wasn't just my imagination. But the clerk's dismissive attitude was hardly surprising. The Thargoids were a taboo subject in many circles, often dismissed as myth or legend. It was a fact that had cost many lives over the years.

I took a deep breath and tried to keep my voice calm. "I assure you, there were Thargoids in the Maia system. I barely made it out alive." I showed her the recordings I had managed to salvage from the capital ship's databank, hoping to prove my case. The clerk took a cursory glance at the footage before handing it back with a shake of her head. "I'm sorry, but we can't pay for something that can't be confirmed. If you have any legitimate salvage or data, we'd be happy to compensate you. Otherwise, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do." I gritted my teeth, feeling a sense of helplessness wash over me. The Thargoids were a threat that needed to be taken seriously, but without concrete evidence, it was hard to convince others of their existence. I took the offered compensation for my legitimate salvage, then left the reception desk, deep in thought.

I went to the bar, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Thargoid threat than met the eye. I needed to investigate further, to find out what was really going on. It was a dangerous task, but one that I was willing to undertake. After a few minutes of searching, I found a contact who was willing to pay a generous sum for the information. We arranged to meet in the bar, where we could conduct the transaction in relative privacy. As I sat in the dimly lit bar, waiting for my contact to arrive, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The Thargoids were still out there and I knew that my encounter with them was far from over, but for now, I had a job to do and a living to earn. And as long as I stayed alert and kept my wits about me, I knew that I could survive whatever the universe threw at me.

After a few minutes an information broker, a grizzled veteran with a reputation for being a tough negotiator entered the bar. As I presented the data to him, I braced myself for the worst, but to my surprise he was intrigued by what I had to offer. A glimmer of hope sparked inside me as he named a price that was more than fair. With the credits safely transferred to my account, I breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, I allowed myself to relax and take in the sights and sounds of this exquisite station... But the nagging feeling that something was amiss never quite left me. There was a tension in the air, a sense of foreboding that lingered just out of reach. I couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen.


Personal sincere wishes from all of us in the Elite Community that our dear CMDR Osotogari has a swift and full recovery. We miss you bud.


The Gilgamesh Corps stands ever ready to assist any and all who come forward, and are an honorable sort! A great ally to have around!

Composed of dedicated pilots ranging from Harmless to Elite, Gilgamesh Corps was found with an ideal in mind: that no Commander should feel alone out in the black. Together with our alliance, The Ishtar Sovereignty, and our sister Squadrons that call our Discord home, we aim for galactic conquest while bolstering our ranks. We do this not through sheer numbers, but through the value of each individual Commander.

For new and returning pilots who would like to learn the game, we offer mentoring, curated guides, a shipyard with shipbuilding advice and a great community that will always be willing to help you with whatever question you might have. For veterans, we offer a place to delve into the deepest parts of the game with Commanders who are willing to engage and assist you with every aspect of gameplay; Engineering advice and mat runs, Thargoids, Guardian Tech, Expeditions into the unknown, PvP, and fighting to expand our PMF, Gilgamesh Corps Orbital Protection [GCOP] while assisting our alliance members with their own PMF ambitions! Whatever your personal ambitions, we welcome any Commanders into our ranks who wish to join our community as an active member.

Motto - "Alea Iacta Est; Ad Astra Per Asperato" - "The Die Is Cast; A Rough Road Leads To The Stars."



The AX Vessel MUDDX1 on patrol out in Maelstrom Raijin's vicinity. The bugs have one nasty surprise coming, that's for sure!



The Ironheart Corporation is flying just as heavy as ever, with new threats revealing themselves by the day!

Ironheart Corporation is a Federal corporation that aims at spreading peace, prosperity, and freedom to the systems it resides. The core fleet of Ironheart Corporation has extensive capability to deal with pirates or enemies of the Federation that threaten its security. Ironheart Corporation has established a mobile anti-Xeno division of its fleet to aid in the Thargoid War. It also has a mining division to construct the ships and infrastructure to support its mission. O'Donnell Orbital - Kamocadroa is where Ironheart Corporation has established its headquarters. From there, it has expanded its influence into a region of nearby systems, liberating them of oppression and tyranny. The fleet of Ironheart Corporation is always looking for more pilots to aid in its mission. Apply today to join in on this epic journey! Come join our discord!


Ironheart Corporation is an equal opportunity employer. New pilots receive a sign on bonus of 20 million credits! This can help a new pilot be able to afford a ship to move around in the corporation's portion of space. Pilots are also paid 20 million credits per day for working toward goals set by the fleet. Training and mentoring of new pilots is available.

"The corporations bear a responsibility to sustain the basic rights of our citizens." - Felicia Winters

Forward the Federation!

JAN 3308 - Admiral Silthh establishes Ironheart Corporation.
MAR 3308 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of HIP 61854.
APR 3308 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of Ngakwilo.
APR 3308 - New pilots receive sign on bonus from Ironheart Corporation Fleet.
JUL 3308 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of Col 285 Sector IC-U d3-58.
SEP 3308 - Conflicts with Communist Interstellar Union (CIU) began.
SEP 3308 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of Col 285 Sector WF-M c8-11.
NOV 3308 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of Yuetuh Emis.
DEC 3308 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of Kamocadroa.
DEC 3308 - The headquarters of Ironheart Corporation moves to Kamocadroa.
JAN 3309 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of HIP 64714.
JAN 3309 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of HIP 61632.
FEB 3309 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of Maringpho.
FEB 3309 - Ironheart Corporation establishes control of HIP 65900.
FEB 3309 - Ironheart Corporation merges with coalition partner Protectorate of the Northern Hemisphere, assumes responsibility for their controlled space.



Commanders Kero and GenKohai here with several tidbits to make terrorizing the new Hunters a little easier!

o7 Commanders! This is CMDR Kero McCoy here to give you an update on the Thargoid war, and even more specifically, all the pertinent information of Update 15.. With the latest advancements in the Thargoid war we are starting to see some new bugs show themselves on the battlefield. Two new class of Thargoids have now made themselves known.

The Hunter - Currently we know very little of this class of Thargoid. We know that they are generally smaller than an interceptor and much faster. The Glaives variant (the only one we have yet to see) specifically comes with a new arsenal of weapons and threats that make it an interesting challenge. Those who are used to simply boosting away when they get hyperdicted might not be in for a great time when they first encounter a Glaive’s lightning and FSD disruptor missiles. Luckily though, we here at MUDD’s AX Research Division have come up with an effective strategy to deal with these pesky Glaive’s. Here is a word from my comrade CMDR Genkohai, who originally discovered this phenomenon.

Thanks CMDR Kero! I’ll be honest here these findings were mostly caused by my old and bad habits of simply shooting at whatever’s appearing red on my radar without asking questions and yes I will do the same thing even if it’s a Hydra… Do I regret my decisions? Not really… Some say that’ll get me killed one of these days but I’m still alive and kicking right? Anyways back to the topic. There are three things to note about the Glaive, first of all as soon as you are hyperdicted by those dual blade freaks you will be targeted by a FSD disruptor missile. To avoid it there are two things you can potentially do:

1- Have an ECM and run cold.
2- Since nobody uses ECMs, engage silent running, boost at an angle and pray that your ship is fast enough to barely dodge it.

Now for those who would rather die than run with their tails between their legs, here’s the second thing to note and what I discovered while killing them. You hate it don’t you? That lightning that completely leaves you dead in the water right? Well, rejoice! You can cancel it! I discovered that Glaives have a weakness in their core or engines. I speculate that in order for them to discharge their shock they need to expose their core and at that moment if you damage them with burst damage such as modified shard cannons you can cause a malfunction in their engines. I divide the lightning in three stages:

The first stage is when they have locked onto you to perform a shock attack.
Hunter's Lock 'N'Shock

The second stage is when they overcharge their engine in order to discharge it onto us.
Hunter's Charge

Finally the last stage is when they are about to open their core/engines to discharge and shock you.
Hunter's Discharge

Now in order to counter their lightning and cause them an engine malfunction you need to hit them with burst damage/AoE damage (shards, plasmas, etc…) during those three stages, preferably before the last one. This will then cancel their attack and stun them for approximately 12 seconds. The last thing to note about the Glaive is that they are equipped with an anti guardian tech field similar to maelstrom systems. Unlike the Orthrus, their field is passive and cannot be countered as of today. In the end, if you are unequipped to fight it you will need a nimble ship equipped with an ECM in order to dodge the FSD disruptor missile and run away (high wake out) or simply engage silent run before the missile is fired. However, if you are battle ready, time your shots correctly, stun them and finish them as quickly as possible before your guardian tech completely melted.

Here’s a treat on how I deal with them…

Shoutout to CMDR ALXD for the lovely shot!

If you are unequipped with guardian tech you will be able to fight them as long as you want however you will not be able to counter their shocks… Unless you are a missile expert and you are able to hit them with some AX missiles. We have yet to try human frag cannons so there’s still a possibility to counter them with human weapons. Alright that's it from me, I’ll let CMDR Kero continue on and good hunting CMDRs!

After testing this with CMDR Genkohai extensively, I can say for sure that it works every time it is executed properly…and man is it satisfying to see those little buggers freeze up and just take the last few shots.



The second new Thargoid we have recently discovered is almost the exact opposite of the Glaive. The “Titan”, which is a massive living super structure was found at the core of each Maelstrom. With the emergence of this new threat MUDD once again deployed its AX Research Division to delve into the core of the Maelstrom to dig into what could be uncovered. Upon breaching the caustic wall and bypassing the TG Pulse wave we were able to enter the Maelstrom core and begin our investigation. While there is undoubtedly a large amount of information to cover I am sure you don't want to be here all day reading through it. As such, I have decided to bullet point the most important pieces of information related to our discoveries below.

Each Maelstrom has its own Titan, and each Titan is slightly different than the others.
There are what appear to be Ice based Asteroids floating around each Titan.
Each Titan is defended by Scouts, Glaives, Interceptors and turrets on the Titan itself.
There are multiple materials which can be shot from the Titan, we are unsure what they will be used for at this time (3 noted currently).
There are multiple tissue samples that can be collected from the Titan as commodities (6, to be exact).

The Titan seems to have another defense that seems to create a blue field around the Titan in what appears to be electrical bands. This field will rapidly heat and destroy any non Thargoid ship within its vicinity similar to the mechanic found on Thargoid Surface sites when exposed to Guardian tech. Additionally, your ship gets pushed out of the fields slowly unless you “nest” your ship close to the mass of the Titan. If you are able to find yourself near the Maw when this occurs, you can hide within the maw itself, close to the inactive membrane to avoid all damage. That's it for now, commanders.

Until then, CMDR Kero McCoy signing off. o7


The new content update has been... spooky to say the least! It seems that for every answer learned we've 10 more questions to ask, but with diligence and a little luck the community will find the way forward! Who knows, perhaps by the next time we meet a titan or two will be sent to the compost heap! Do your best out there to keep each other safe, watch your 6 and remember; Never Fly Alone! o7

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