Cmdr Kryten Zeroth
Adventurer / Anti-xeno activist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom k10-0P
Overall assets
Loose Screws Network LLC
Zemina Torval

Logbook entry

Almost Home, Ouch!

03 Jan 2022Kryten Zeroth
After making a few system scans jumping back to Nona, it was a somewhat sketchy last leg towards home. I ran low on fuel and couldn't make the final jump so had to make a shorter jump to LHS 3615 and call in at Wrangell Port to resupply. Only I came a bit too close to the host star and took some heat damage.

I overlooked that I was still wanted in the Nona system for previous transgressions, so I had to jump to the nearby Othime system and visit Interstellar Factors.

I was pleased to discover that Lone Rock was a station embedded in an asteroid where I could at last clear my name. I think I'll dock here for a short while, sell my data, and take a look around.

After returning to Nona, I'm docked at Roentgen Port and have upgraded my Viper for low-level piracy as well as outfitting my Vulture for bounty hunting.

After upgrading my hardpoints at Laveykin Terminal in Nona, I picked up a mission delivering 2 units of cargo to Lauksa, which is a Military system where I hope to find an SRV Scorpion on the market. This will be my Vulture's maiden voyage beyond Nona since bringing her home. I'll be ready for any trouble on the way, should it arise... I must remember to christen the ship once I've settled on a name for her.

My mission cargo drew the attention of pirates upon arrival in Lauksa, interrupting my initial FSS system scan. Eager to see what my newly-outfitted Vulture could do, I submitted to the interdiction and, after a few volleys, was successful in dispatching the enemy. Before delivering my cargo to the Smith Enterprise outpost, I managed to evade a second interdiction.

Unfortunately, none of the Military ports in Lauksa appear to have the facility for outfitting an SRV Scorpion, so I'll have to look elsewhere.

I discovered the military port of Clough Keep just a few jumps away in the LTT 7370 system and I have outfitted the vehicle bay in my Vulture, Admonisher, with a new SRV Scorpion.
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︎0 Shiny!
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