Cmdr Kryten Zeroth
Adventurer / Anti-xeno activist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom k10-0P
Overall assets
Loose Screws Network LLC
Zemina Torval

Logbook entry

Ilene Peters

04 Aug 2022Kryten Zeroth
I made contact with Ilene to inform her of my plans - I know she was keen to visit The Consortium with me, back when she was still active crew and found out about them down a network rabbit hole. I'm relieved to report that she was (not uncharacteristically) blasè about the whole thing. Heck, she seemed more interested in the new Python, the Dolphin, and all the recent upgrades - and jostled me about being ferried around the bubble in a luxury cabin, one of these days! With the amount she's earning from her retainer alone, I reckon she could for a few months at least.

After a good yarn, she offered not to hold my now-lone trip into the black against me, provided I pick her up before I go and we head for HIP 22460 for a few days to watch the fireworks. After all, Salvation is deploying his xenocidal superweapon against the Thargoids sometime around Tuesday next week. She reminded me we still have a wager on how that will all go down, and that she'd like to collect her winnings before I head out of the bubble. We'll see, Ilene. We'll see.

Hopefully, I've enough time to finish upgrades to my FSD, dock the Astronomad and get back aboard Murtry's Fortune before collecting Ilene at a port in Imperial space. Then it's on to HIP 22460 for the show. Wine... I must remember to bring a case of wine!
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