Logbook entry

Baby Steps

07 Jan 2021Gadwall7
It's been a painful and stressful few months since I was exiled from my home. Funny, what seemed to be such an important royal household at the time is practically unknown in the Outer Rim. No matter, I swore on my grave I'd make a name for myself. I'll establish my own homeland and myself as a rightful Grand Duke. Yet that took more time than expected... reputation and loyalty is rare in space, especially in the lawless Outer Rim. Yet there was always a lovely charm to the region. Easier time to influence and expand without anybody breathing down your back and far less people to control. It never crossed my mind to leave the rim, it suits me.

After securing a decent gang of loyal pilots, traders and even more... unsavory brutes, I've begun to establish myself in my new home of Borme. While being on the edge of space may have it's economic challenges, it's far from the meddling influences of larger powers. Heated negotiations between corporate, civic and military interests resulted in a multi faceted Junta I can use as my puppet. Already the General has proved useful, successfully campaigning against other military leaders to win an election and seize our first base from a rival General. However, Borme has yet to fully be won. My loyalists and the Junta shall continue to focus on expansion at any means necessary.

With Merle's Folly being won over to our side, we now have an allied fortification to base more... devious actions. One of my agents already has committed numerous terrorist attacks and raids to destabilize and tarnish the leading faction's reputation. People question if the megacorporation can maintain law and order during these tumultuous times. The general and our allied corporations and social leaders have positioned the Junta as the clear and obvious choice to the people's desire for safety and protection. While I don't personally engage in piracy... if it gets me closer to my goal than so be it.

I have a meeting tomorrow with the Junta after our victorious election. We've brought more of the Borme military into line though some warlords still resist our demands. We may fund some lower officers to... change that general's mind. The nearby communists are staggeringly strong across the board in fleet strength, influence and funding. With these false flag attacks, we intend to drive a wedge into the very foundation they hold dear.

Grand Duke Maximillian Trexler, signing off.
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