Logbook entry

A big loss

03 Aug 2016Dewarinversion
What a horrible day. For a week now I saved to get my first Python. And now it is gone. Blown up outside Yurchithin station. I thought it invincible. It nearly is but for one weakness I found in day one. The canopy. I few with stock life support and paid a heavy price. A vulture got me. I couldn't turn on him to use those heavy pulse lasers, the sheilds weakend as I retreated. I left the fight with 26 % hull, broken fsd and five minutes in oxygen. The auto repair took the fsd from 0% to about 12% before I reactivated it and made my way to Andhrimi. Heading for home as fast as I could, I dropped out of suppercruise and exploded into bits. At least the recovery would be simple enough, only 8kms away from the docking bay. So it is back to the Asp for me. A nice ship and one I know well. Back to saving again, although I am not sure yet what I will get. Maybe a FSL. I don't yet know. So, if you are reading this, and have a big ship, have a think about upgrading that life support unit to the best available. It might just get you home.
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