Logbook entry

Big is beauty Part II

11 Sep 2016Dewarinversion
Following along the same line as previous weeks, I continued investigations into Griefers in CG sites. I came across one such 'free pirate' known as Horsey. I asked him for his reasons for why he does what he does, even though there are more profitable professions availabe to tallented pilots such as himself. Horsey felt personally affronted by a new cmdr influx owning a mighty Anacondor whilst on 'Novice' combat status and concured 'new piilots should loose them without crying. In contrast, we work hard to get these machines'. After further enquiry, I also found out he personally took part in UA bombing in Ceos and the attempt on Sothis. His reason to take part in such heinous crimes, he wanted to be challenged by other cmdrs, stop him in his unfriendly ways. Further, the reason for this behavour had nothing to do with his recent upset over new commanders making lots of money and a lot of time and effort went into making other peoples lives a misery. I made futher inquest to find out what he would do if confronted by a competent commander protecting these stations. His answer... he would run away.
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