Logbook entry

Ahoy, there ahoy... all pirates destroy

05 Oct 2016Dewarinversion
Community Goals can be fun. Running my clipper to Mali seemed to be an easy trip, a breeze, but alas, events again proved me wrong. I am jumped by three pirates ten seconds into system . Even a clipper with a good mods selection can become easy pickings, I could not shake the impending FSD intercept. Clipper lost, cargo lost, pride lost. Thankfully I did not loose my life. Piracy is all too easy when the dirty scoundrels hunt in a pack, watching, waiting for sole traders such as I. Wolfpack hunting I believe it is called. In my account I had a rebuy available, yet, I did not want to loose the better part in five million this way. So the hurt gets amplified and the pain in loosing out to piracy became all too uncomfortable and all too frequent. Still, I will persevere, make those contacts and get winged up for next time. CG's are, after all, when alone, a dangerous place to be.
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