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- Privateers News Network - Article 3

14 Apr 2017Echo Wake
February 3303 – The Massacre of Spring Gateway (Part Two)

I proceeded to scan the other ships sitting outside Spring Gateway and happened to come across their Wing Commander. I made several attempts to make contact with their Wing Commander, Commander Smarterthanall. Just based on the name alone I had an uneasy feeling about this guy but I was willing to give him a chance even though he was ignoring all my attempts to reach him.

This is when I got a communication from our Lead Wing Commander Dr. AwmNawm. He was in contact with Commander Smarterthanall and made our case clear. We don’t mind their presence in LHS 215 as long as they followed our regulations. Commander Smarterthanall replied simply with, “We have hundreds of ships. We can go anywhere, do anything we want and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.”

With conflict unavoidable I proceeded to engage my thrusters and in the process rammed Commander Smarterthanall’s ship multiple times. I also told our men to hold their fire. For a few short seconds no one fired but then it happened… As Commander Smarterthanall’s ship was reduced to 50% hull his men opened fire on me and my fellow Privateers. This is what I was expecting and as such the station saw this as unwanted hostilities in the no fire zone and within a matter of about 20 seconds all their ships were destroyed but we did allow them escape in their escape pods. We also lost a few due to some overzealous members returning fire in the no fire zone. We promptly picked them up and returned them to the station.

This was the beginning of the war over Spring Gateway and LHS 215.

-CMDR Echo Wake
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