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- Privateers News Network - Article 5

25 Apr 2017Echo Wake
February 3303 – The Un-peaceful Peace Talks (Part One)

We, the leaders of the Federal Privateers, invited Smarterthanall and anyone he wanted to bring to the peace talks. As we initiated the talks we started with; “Ok we want to be as friendly as possible and we are willing to extend the utmost courtesy to you guys; all we ask you guys show the same level of courtesy and respect in return.”

First words out of Smarterthanall’s mouth were and I quote "Shut the fuck up, I am not here to make friends. You wanted us here to talk about a cease fire, so let’s do that and move the fuck on."

Clearly this was not going to be a very nice peace talk…

In the peace talks Smarter basically accused us for starting the war. Saying, "What the fuck did you think was going to happen? What did you think was going happen when your guy in a Corvette rammed my ship to 50% hull?" "Did you think that my guys would just let their President die?" He also claimed that we shot first, to which I quickly reminded him that no… It was me… in an Anaconda… that rammed his ship… Then your guys opened fire and died by Spring Gateway. So in my eye’s he opened fire. I just merely hit him multiple times outside the station.

At one point during the talks, several other members of the Privateers leadership and myself were trying to explain things and this is Smarterthanall’s response… Screaming over the mic I might add, "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SUPERIORS ARE TALKING!!!" He very rarely gave up the "floor" for discussion except when one of his guys had something to say.

-CMDR Echo Wake
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