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- Privateers News Network - Article 6

25 Apr 2017Echo Wake
February 3303 – The Un-peaceful Peace Talks (Part Two)

So in a matter of a 20 minute conversation the leadership of the Federal Privateers were insulted and berated by leadership of the Federal Navy Club. The level of disrespect shown, in my opinion, was second to none. We were literally moments away from having them escorted out of the conference room just minutes after Smarterthanall started talking. Though as we were there to talk peace, we let them spew there hate so we could eventually work past it and come to some form of peace.

Smarter also said that they don't care about any of the Federal coalitions, or any coalitions anywhere. He can be quoted as saying that he doesn't have time for all the circle jerks or whatever we do at our stations. He does not care about the Federal United Command, who leads our efforts for the Federation. He has complete disregard as to what the FUC was trying to accomplish which is to unite the Federal forces.

It would appear that the only people that matter are those in the Federal Navy Club.

They even went as far as to monitor our chat logs with which they could only derive names of the people that were currently active at the time of day, and then proceeded to post bounties on those names… Our Communications AI even has a bounty placed on it along with several people that are not even a part of the Federal Privateers.

Clearly there was some error in their judgement as they can’t kill our AI and they managed to post bounties on leaders from other groups whom have no official ties to the Privateers other being in a coalition with us.

-CMDR Echo Wake
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