Logbook entry


13 Aug 2017Echo Wake
August 13, 3303 – The War Is Over (Part One)

In a surprising turn of events, the Federal Privateers have managed to broker a treaty with the FNC Federal Armada. This is due to, in no small part, Meengs, the recently elected leader of the Privateers reaching out and discussing terms with CMDR Treemanboy.

For those of you that do not know, which I am sure most all of you do, the Privateers and the Federal Armada have been hostile enemies ever since they tried to root us out of LHS 215 and despite their efforts we managed to still gain control over LHS 215. After months of hostilities and war our two factions have decided to end the conflict. While we are not allies with the Federal Armada, we are no longer to take a hostile stance against them.

August 13, 3303 – The War Is Over (Part Two)

The terms of the treaty are defined as follows:

Privateers are to remain out of Latjil, while Federal Armada is to remain out of LHS 215. This comes with the exception to any trade or exploration vessels that may be passing through.

Any combat vessels found in either system will be subject to questioning and will be request to leave the system.

Should any hostile action be taken against you, you are to record it immediately as proof of violation of this treaty and submit these to Meengs immediately following any alterations. Without proof nothing can be done to enforce these treaties. Any Privateer found to initiate hostilities between the Privateers and Federal Armada will be stripped of all Privateer privileges and be terminated from our employment.

Any duels that should take place are required to have other members available, on both sides, as witnesses to said duels. Under no condition is anyone to interfere with a duel between our two factions, except where the other side should decide they need interfere.

Anyone wanting to show support of this treaty is asked to show a vote of support (a like) to the messages that have been posted to the galactic information page (Elite Dangerous Xbox Club).

This is a grand day for the Federation as well as the Privateers and her allies.

Fly safe commanders!!
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