Cmdr Tarrim
Bounty hunter / Freelancer
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Krait Phantom TA-21K
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Civitas Dei CZ/SK
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Cpt. log, entry #1 - What now?

26 Jan 2021Tarrim
Date: 25th of January 3307

It's been a while I joined the fleet with vision to explore the galaxy, protect helpless and finaly find the cause of my further beeing ... I am glad that I did that decision in the past and moved on after death of my wife ... My beloved Lucy.

Now when I my mourning is not hurt so much with time passed on, I slowly getting noticed what is happening all around ... I wonder. Maybe I shoudn't do that decision.
On the other hand. Now I can't think about the past and can focus on present. But what now? What is my goal, my purpose?

Do I want to spend rest of my life like star cowboy and hunt pirates and smugglers around the galaxy? How about to get rich as space miner at big fancy ship and buy my own piece of space to live? Could be also the explorer of the galaxy. Left my name behind of some awesome adventure and new worlds to help others? No ... I would spent that time alone on the road by thinking about the past. I have to let it go.
My good friend asked me to help him change the world as politician. Too boring IMO and I cannot imagine to make a decisions on behalf of others with no true conviction that things we do are right or not. Each way of leaderhship has some pros and cons. I don't want to become a doll in hands of corporate or do things against my will.

I know what I always wanted to try. Meet the other species! Lucy always get mad at me when I started to talk about it, but now there is no one who take care about me. Let's make a dream come true!

To acomplish my journy, I need a wingman to talk to first otherwise the path could be very lonely, so I bought a guniea pig. It's called Ginger, because of her shiny orange-red/black hair. I don't care that she can't answer to my jibber jabber, but at least somebody is listen ... and sometime squeak for a food. I love her

Today, we will firstly visit systems where according the datalogs lived the Guardians. I am so excited.

I choose to land at Synuefe EU-Q C21-10 planet A3 where some ruins should be. Ginger jumps around the cage, so I know this is the place.

The journey begins ...
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