Cmdr Tarrim
Bounty hunter / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom TA-21K
Overall assets
Civitas Dei CZ/SK
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Cpt. log, entry #2 - Found the ruins

03 Feb 2021Tarrim
Date: 2nd of February 3307

Datalogs describe the Guardian ruins as symetrical foundations of buildings with interaction pillars, but nothing like that was visible from the ship.

Land was smooth, even though that I had to find an interesting place at the dark side of the planet ... everytime. Thank god for the night vision. I was lucky enough to land quite close to the site, so with lights on at my DBE at least part of the site was illuminated. Ginger hide in the corner under the piece of cotton used normally for rest.

"Don't play a mole, you are a guinea pig. An adventurer's wingman, you have to be excited same as I do."
"Sqeak" *quietly*
"Ok, stay here and guard the bridge Sgt. Ginger!. I'll be back in a minute."

"Sqeak, sqeak" *loudly*

A few minutes later I felt a cold environment of the planet even through spacesuit sitting at my SRV. Honestly, next time I have to found a place at the planet side faced to the star to do not suffer from the cold.
I can't even image to walk out on foot. That might went wrong fast. On bad step an this adventure could turn into a nightmare or worse.

Between the ruins are randomly placed pylons which do not fit into the symetrical order of the place. SRV scanners shows "material" signal.
Non of scanners I have equipped shows any other valuable data, but how could I take a sample of the "material"?

"I wouldn't do that If I was you!" used to said my dad when I scratch to his suitcase to find out what was hidden inside. Funny memory, but I do not have nothing to scratch the pylon ... wait.
"What If I .... "

/Combat Mode Activated/ ... at that moment I felt like a space vandal who went to write his signature to the ancient ruins. But the child inside of me won and then ...
... and the piece of pylon flew away, almost hit the SRV. Another piece just felt down on the ground. My hearth rate changed like I just finish the run of my life.
Eyes check the SRV scanner. The piece at the ground still emitted the material signal. BINGO!
/Cargo hatch deployed/

Sample collected, but there is more, therefore I decide to focus on 2nd and 3rd source of material signal. All thre material thingy collected.
Focused sharp look changed to a big smile. Even If I do not found nothing more here. I can tell that the trip was worth already.
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︎4 Shiny!
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