Logbook entry

There and Back To See how Far It Is

08 Jan 2024Andy Latham
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Just dust off the exploration Anaconda {Colombus} and see where it takes me no set destination just explore whatever i could find out there.
Engineered Colombus to achieve best possible jump range {77.6 ly}. 7a Fuel Scoop and engineered DSS to give max possible radius. Almost everything else was class D modules making it as light as possible. SRV in place for Exo Biology not forgetting AMFU and Repair Limpet Controller. To keep the weight down didn't take any limpets decided to synth any on the go.
Next on the list was to visit raw material trader and make sure i had enough jumponium to give me at least 40 extra boosts when needed. As it transpired ,due to excellent jump range of the Anaconda, none were required.
Early morning 20th November 3309 stepped on the bridge of my Fleet Carrier FC ST Helens and issued the command " Take me about 3000ly in whatever direction you want then wake me up".
Woke up to find we were still in the Inner Orion Spur 3491ly away from home {LHS 5333} but close enough to the edge to make a decision on which direction to take. Jumped off the FC at Phylucs JT-F d12-0{ leaving with the words "see ya when i see ya" a further 38 jumps took me out of the Inner Orion arriving at Preae Aec QA-C d14-2 a Neutron Star in the Norma Expanse system. Slightly disappointed to fnd it had already been discovered but that's Neutrons for you.
Crossed the Norma Expanse stopping at any undiscovered and using FSS to find anything of interest i.e. Terraformable planets ,Water Worlds, ELW ,Ammonia and Exo Biology anything of value.
Left the Norma Expanse and continued into the Norma Arm taking in a couple of the Nebula to be found in there then into the Empyrean Straits again quite a few Nebula to view. I then stumbled across Shrogaae AA-A h35 star A is a Wolf-Raylet class N and star B is a Wolf-Raylet class C. As my luck seemed to be going at the time this had already been discovered but my luck was soon to change. Found my first ELW at Zuneae QO-Q d5-7299 Planet 5 always a bonus and keeps you going through the endless jumps. A further 70 jumps in the Straits took me too what i consider to be my best find of the expedition.
Eorm Phyloi RD-S e4-54 an undiscovered Black Hole from a credits point of view worthless. From my point of view priceless!
Left the Straits into Arcadian Stream again mapping terraformable and taking Exo samples to break the monotony. Also came across my first terraformable Rocky Body which i thought was quite unusual.
Entered the Trojan Belt for the first time scanning and sampling all the way into Drymans Point. This system contains a lot of Notable Stellar Phenomena {it was at this point i realised i had no research limpet controller always next time} also discovered a further 3 ELW.
Continued into Sagittarius Carina Arm again lots of NSP and into the Trojan Belt.
Jump number 656 took me to Eolls Byoea UM-K b41-0 39.281ly from home. I decided that the time had come to start heading back so i arranged to rendezvous with fleet carrier at Byaa Theia EM-L c24-0 just inside the Inner Orion.
Heading through Trojan Belt on my way to Arcadian Stream found another ELW at Pha Free VW-J c22-31.
Passed through Arcadian stream and back into Norma Expanse discovered ELW at Pyraniae EW-N d6-63 and system Iockorps VD-T d3-30 which only contained 10 bodies but 3 were terraformable HMC and 3 Water World giving me over 15 million credits from 1 small system alone. Found my first Herbig Ae/Be at Synookeia EL-P e5-12.
I then came across something that i thought was quite strange/unusual{ although you may not } at system Synookeia AE-J c9-23 planet a3a a rocky body over 14000 ly from home Non Human Signatures {Thargoid Sensor Fragments}.
Quickly departed the Norma Expanse for Hawking's Gap only too find more Non Human Signatures at Prielee DE-E c26-14 Planet 1c another rocky body. Is this quite normal to find these so far out of the bubble?
The end was almost in sight re-entered the Inner Orion at Syralie KB-W d2-36 and set course for Byaa Theia EM-L c24-0 to meet up with Fleet carrier had decided to do the last 4800 ly the lazy way.
Arrived back in LHS 5333 on the 08 January 3310 after 50 days away.
It felt good to be back but after only 1 day i feel like i need to go again!!! Is their something wrong with me?


Total Jumps 1049
Total Distance 118,957.8 ly
Avg Jump 113.4 ly This includes Neutron and FC jumps

Codex Discoveries 2.465 million credits
Exploration Data Sold 943,936,275 credits
Exo Biology Data Sold 2,861,577,395 credits.

TOTAL 3,807,978,670 credits

Major Discoveries

Wolf Raylet 1

Herbig 1

Black Hole 1

Here's to the next one
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