Logbook entry

Dusty Old Pillars and Relics

19 Mar 2022Tobenamed
I have never been one to log my travels or hijinks, but considering the times, and with the imminent dangers abound in our small slice of the galaxy, I decided to at least have a record if my stupid ideas get me killed for good. A few weeks ago with the help of CMDR Nosebleed and his carrier, I began wandering out to the far reaches of Guardian Space. It was an interesting time wandering the ruins and structures that litter the odd systems. The ruins were rather desolate, but had a kind of serenity to them. The sheer size of the mounds and rows upon rows of obelisks took up a few square kilometers, and about as tall as well. I took a short walk around, trying to understand the inscriptions on the obelisks. The Federation database didn't have much in terms of translating scripture but were able to identify the markings on the artifacts scattered about the sites. A few of the obelisks did still have some life to them and with further observation and a bit of luck, I got the old SRV to read and copy the data. The data seemed to have some sort of instructions which I assume were what the Guardian Tech Brokers needed to build their hybrid systems. I after lounging about and taking in the views I realized night was falling and I didn't want to get stuck out here and have to ask a Rat or a Seal to pick me up in the middle of nowhere. I drove down to the central area of the ruins and found a deep pit, and insider were more artifacts and pillars identical to the ones at the Guardian Structures began to rise out of the ground. I collected a relic and did a quick search to see if there were any corresponding slots like before but to no avail. I decided to leave the keys there for anyone else who wanted to go hunting for the treasure troves of a lost civilization. I got back to the Mox Sapphire and left for a long haul back to the bubble. I began thinking if a civilization could build structures as large as that and disappeared into dust, what would happen to us? Fly safe out there commanders.
CMDR Tobenamed
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