Logbook entry

June 19th End of a mining streak

20 Jun 2016Torrente
Done with a quite frustrating few days of mining, lads. As the Achenar Immortals have expanded into Kartamayana, I went to the planetary settlement, see what we've been up to around there. Hayashi is quite a little loving port. Could even practice my Ni Hao's with some of the locals, heheh... Those damn old Earth languages.

Apart from tourism, I realized the mining opportunities were nice, but still... Refining 18 tons can take a while. I knew the Ice rings around Paras 3 would work fine, and it somewhat did, but it took forever. Right now I'm set on reaching the 400 million credits milestone, because it's due time I got an exploring ship. And that's ship's bound to be an Anaconda. I definitely love that ship class. I'll call it the Pedro Duque.

In any case, that will still take some time. I'm following closely what happens on Paras and its influence sphere, and still cooperating with Zemina Torval's industries in order to keep the trading bonuses (I'm still on Tycoon's 30's%), even if the ol' lady is dropped to the 5th place, which basically means less credits for the pledged commanders when they trade.

Let's see how this week fairs.
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