Logbook entry

August 21st 3301. Back among the stars!

21 Aug 2015Torrente
¿Qué pasa? Vacations are over and believe me. What happens in Tepertsi 2 stays on Tepertsi 2. I had a superb time in the beaches, in the acqua parks, and enjoying the sunsets on that planet. I heard some fellas weren't so lucky a few thousand kilometers east of where I was staying. That rock has a local giant beast called "Kraken" that emerges now and then from the depths of the sea. Once city was being particularly loud at the end of the mourning for the emperor, I guess and it emerged from the waters....

I don't need to tell you there's a lot more mourning going to happen in the next few days. Apparently the little fella bounced in town until no building was left standing. What a mess, really.

But well, life among the stars is back up. I found Smitty and Fatboy V just the way I left it. Ran some system diagnostics and was hired by Langley Station staff to place some imp slaves and source some materials. Nothing too fancy but I like to stay in good terms with business associates. Which reminds me. Gotta contact my Yembo fellas asap.

I've resumed my routine with a goal in my mind: retiring Fatboy and getting me a Type 7. Some millions away from it, still.

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