Logbook entry

July 3rd 3302. A day of trade

04 Jul 2016Torrente
I've been stacking up merits for what it seems forever. On the turning of the month, I actually made the initial purchase for the Pedro Duque, which will become my exploration Anaconda. Also refit the San José II with a much cooler paint job, more matching my sporting passions in white-and-red.

In the meantime, I'm more loved in the system of Kamocan, where I've been trying to make a name. Of course, Imperial factions knew who the Count of Miller Gateway is, but did they got love for the Big T? Now they do, or at least know that I'm a reliable cabrón, and they're willing to send me to some really interesting jobs.

Won't be the last place I hit, mainly because I'm all set on expanding my influence as Imperial nobleman. That sexy, sexy Cutter will be mine.

So yesterday I squared off what little tasks I had, and joined another Immortal commander, MagV, to hit the trade routes. A Cutter's trade dividend is certainly a good thing to have, and since we ended up in Auntie Zermina space, profits kept stacking and stacking. I made half a million only in dividends with probably less than an hour of trade, which is always a decent amount, but the risk of carrying Imp slaves is always high.

Which brings me to ship defense. My goodness I love my mine launchers. Huge, large and the small hardpoints on the Conda. You don't really need the sides, as you're more likely to eat those mines, rather than throwing them. Even the dreaded FSA's were eating explosive, their shields unable to handle that much firepower. Heh!

Today I'll be takin' it easy. Earn my keep in the Torval conglomerate, helping them boys and see if she can be the third power in the galaxy again (which will inevitably redund in profits for the smart traders, basically), and if not continue progressing on the Imperial Auxiliary Navy merits. I've been given a sweet location for it, problem is I'm more than 200 ly away from it. Shit happens.
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︎1 Shiny!
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