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Slavery-related arrest in Votatini, official accused of smuggling

07 Jul 2016Torrente
Valigurski Orbital on the Votatini system has awakened yesterday in sirens, as local Security arrested a local faction representative, Jordan Jones, on the accusation of smuggling illegal slaves into the station, lacking proper Imperial seal. The accusation has been made by the Count of Miller Gateway, Kamocan, known as Commander José Luis Torrente, foreign-born entrepreneur with ties to the Achenar Immortals. The man reported to local police he had found "over 30 tons" of the branded illicit cargo on his landing pad hangar, having landed on a rush "because the sanitation facilities had been damaged and... It was a tricky situation", the pilot commented.

Political analysts are not surprised since the official had been tied to a scandal, that forced several influential Achenar patricians to face exile or "settle the remote system of Shu Babbassi". Those same analysts consider any involvement of said patricians is "unlikely" as the system is over 130 light years away.

Torrente has been thus contacted by the Auxiliary Navy, which has been authorized to promote him to the rank of Earl, placing him on the political lead in the Kamocan A-subsystem, where he is well known to all Imperial corporations and movements. The Comunidad Hispana particularly celebrated the appointed, displaying public demonstrations of joy among their (few) supporters in the colony ruled by Torrente -although in name only-. The Commander has announced to return to Paras "to celebrate such an unexpected turn of events".
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