Logbook entry

August 23rd 3301. Supplement. Farewell, Fatboy

24 Aug 2015Torrente
I finally sold it. The ship that’s been flying me for countless hours, and was upgraded to be probably one of the best of its class, can finally rest, with the pride of the job done.

Of course, I immediately regretted my decision: I barely had enough cash to buy a “virgin” Type 7, but will be hitting the hyperlanes soon enough, mainly to save and give the new ship a better frameshift drive. I tell you I’m sorely missing the capacity of a superb 18 Ly jump fully laden, like I could do on the last ship.

In any case, the new ship is big, very big. I won’t be able to land on outposts anymore, but I don’t complain. I was getting a lock of “docking request denied” lately, due to traffic. Whenever I can upgrade to a Python, we’ll see.

I’ve decided to name it Barón Rojo, after a band I used to listen to when I was younger. It’s also a goal to achieve, now that I’m in good terms with imps. Figures! Trade for a good while and a faction starts to like you. I like to think Atlantis, Tepertsi and the other systems I was around make a few million with the commodities I moved.

I’ve also picked another crewmember on LHS 142. Noriega Port has a cute little bar in which this gal was to be found, Estianna’s the name. She has a knack for tech so I reckon I can use a mechanic on board. Smitty is good with maintenance but this machine is too complicated (and costly) to be on his hands alone.

So for now, I need to assess how much I’ll have to save and get back to trade before I can get back into serious business.

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︎2 Shiny!
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