Logbook entry

August 26th. Round trip around Keltim

27 Aug 2015Torrente
It's not always easy to get a good profit from a trade route. I'm actually really thinking of returning to Yembo, sell the combat fighter I don't plan to use for a bit, and use the extra coin to equip Barón Rojo really nice in Lembava, but that would be quite a trip. I should rent an Adder to get there quicker, really...

In the meantime, I really hit a decent spot with Keltim. I do quite a lot of jumps for the distance I'm running but it's OK. Didn't have many problems with interdicting perps and when I did, my escaping skills are proving useful. Certainly my little crew is glad they're not that often under fire, even if their lunch goes down the cracks after every interdiction attempts. Hell, even I feel dizzy after those, gorramit.

Keltim. It's been treating me good, so far. I'll probably be gone with the interstellar winds and seek higher profits, though. The capacity of doing a round trip between stations is really not that feasible...

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