Logbook entry

King Elenar to depart the bubble

28 Jul 2016Torrente
Docking pad 25, in Wilson Orbital, Paras, has seen a very special ceremony yesterday, as King Elenar gathered his full complement of 1,000 slaves and delivered a speech:
"As you know, Emperor Hengist Duval tragically died on August, fifth a year ago. Our goal has always been to strengthen the Empire, and to ensure that the Duval bloodline endures. To this end, we have been most successful. Emperor Lavigny-Duval is our glorious Emperor, and long may she live to rule.
There are threats on the edge of our space that we can no longer ignore. The winds of the Storm I have so long spoken of, have finally reached us. However, it is also fair to say that the Empire has changed a lot in the past year. A new, younger generation is shaping up its future. The Empire is no longer in need of the services of old men like me."

The legacy of the King speaks for itself: the Achenar Immortals firmly established on Paras, Kartamayana and facing elections to settle in Liu Di, with the clear objective of reaching Achenar itself. Dozens of ships in their fleet, and a commercial fleet to be reckoned as an economic power in the region.

"I plan on travelling to Jacques station in Lady Justice to help with the repair efforts, then to work on establishing a safe and secure human colony there", the ruler said. As the dignatary reveals his plans, there is still no announced plan of abdication as king in the Empire, or a any permanent replacement as leader of the Achenar Immortals. His regent, Dux Judder Man has not issued any statement as this report is written.

In any case, the King has liberated himself of all property within the bubble, selling residences in key systems, such as Hutton Orbital, Sol and fleet assets. In addition, King Elenar has repaid the freedom of his 1,000 slaves, including his most veteran one, Alfons, who he gifted with an Imperial Courier, as he bestowed the rank of Master of the Imperial Auxiliary Navy.

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