Logbook entry

August 3rd 3302. Arca de Lima operational

04 Aug 2016Torrente
The latest to join the Torrente Enterprises start-up is finally operational. I had the Arca de Lima set up in Paras and now I'm basically hitting a milestone in my commercial career after establishing a solid commercial network in Sothis. Among others with the Deep Space Clan, Sirius Corporation and some Fed fellas. All in the interest of improving our dear economy.

But Sothis is almost 600 ly away from Paras, and there's an expansion going on. Quite the time to be here and help out. I won't be selling the Trade Anaconda San José anytime soon, since its jump rate is quite delicious, thanks to Felicity Farseer, but the Arca will be my bubble trade ship, considering its 700+ tons. I do have to take it to Deciat one of these days...

But I reckon it's been a busy year. Only a year ago I was starting to make my bigger steps in trading, with the T6. Time to take a good vacation. I'm considering returning to Tepertsi, which I've visited on occasions for trade, and relax a week and some on its waterworld, take it easy. It's a beautiful, relaxing place, and if it wasn't for space, I'd probably be a sailor somewhere.

Before that, I reckon it's time to adjust the balance a bit. Basically I've invested the fruits of 8 months in the Arca so it's time to cut some losses fast before I take a break. When I get back there's always time to make good on Senator Torval. I haven't been paying much attention to the 4th galactic economy but one thing's for sure: she is THE trading power in our galaxy. Much respect for that.
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