Logbook entry

August 9th 3302. One more year, Tepertsi 2's beaches await

09 Aug 2016Torrente
This is been a fantastic year, in retrospective. Not only I've amassed a fortune, but I've acquired great knowledge, both as a pilot and as an Imperial nobleman. My heart will always be back home, sure. And one day the gorram Alliance will be kicked from there, but I've found in the Empire the place to get rich. And it wasn't effortlessly. Day after day, month after month, working to the goal I just have recently obtained: one of the largest trading ships humanity has to offer.

And before her, the San José, an Anaconda that has earned my love and respect. Great class, great ship. One day, probably a great combat ship. That goal is far for now and I need to muster my energies for the last push in trying to reach the famed Elite rank in Trading. After that, the big void awaits. My exploring conda is ready, and I only need to be ready for it.

But now it's time for me to return to the most auspicious planet of Tepertsi 2, which saw me raise in the ladder to the position I am today. My fortune spent in preparing for the ascent, but it's money well spent and partially recovered in a few day of service to my liege in the Achenar Immortals, and building up the economy in Imperial space.

I'm very pleased with the trajectory. There's been up and downs, but no one can take the trip from me, and it's also an honor to have fought for something bigger than my belly myself.

See you in two weeks!
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